> I think trying to package CUDA is the wrong way to think about it.
Instead, perhaps you should try to make the package compatible with
system CUDA installs.

I agree in principle.
The problem fundamentally stems from user expectation.

In my ~6+ years of supporting Torch and PyTorch, installing CUDA on a
system can take days, with a user mean approximately half a day. It might
be userland incompetence, or that CUDA is a magical snowflake, but the
reality is that installing CUDA is never great.
So, a huge amount of issues reported by userland are side-effects from
broken CUDA installs.
It doesn't help that the PyPI user expectations of "my package should just
work after a pip install".

If we can reliably install an up-to-date CUDA in a standardized way, and
NVIDIA simply doesn't sidestep the userland issues by saying "user our
docker", or "our PPA is 100% reliable", we would've been in a better state.

Until then, I think it's best that we find a solution for PyPI users that
can work out of box with PyPI.

On Mon, Feb 4, 2019 at 12:52 PM Antoine Pitrou <solip...@pitrou.net> wrote:

> On Tue, 5 Feb 2019 01:45:34 +0800
> Jason Zaman <ja...@perfinion.com> wrote:
> > On Tue, 5 Feb 2019 at 01:30, soumith <soum...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > Unfortunately I'll be on a long flight, and cannot make it to the
> SIGBuild meeting.
> > > I'm definitely interested in the meeting notes and any follow-up
> meeting.
> > >
> > > > I think we should leave CUDA out of the
> > > discussion initially and see if we can get the cpu-only wheel working
> > > correctly. Hopefully cpu-only is viable on manylinux2014 then we can
> > > tackle CUDA afterwards.
> > >
> > > 50% of the complexity is in the CUDA packaging.
> > > The other 50% is in shipping a more modern libstdc++.so
> > > I believe we'll make progress if we ignore CUDA, but we'll not address
> half of the issue.
> >
> > Yeah, we'll definitely need both to solve it fully. My thinking is
> > that all packages need at least C++11 but only some need CUDA. Or
> > might we end up where the libstcc++.so is incompatible with CUDA if we
> > don't work on everything together?
> I think trying to package CUDA is the wrong way to think about it.
> Instead, perhaps you should try to make the package compatible with
> system CUDA installs.
> For example, the Numba pip wheel almost works out-of-the-box with a
> system CUDA install on Ubuntu 18.04.  I say "almost" because I had to
> set two environment variables:
> https://github.com/numba/numba/issues/3738
> Regards
> Antoine.

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