
In <CAHM19a6BCyWVmD9=NvvzW8HU4tWgm=njohy+ivsjotqofno...@mail.gmail.com>
  "Re: ursa-labs/crossbow on travis-ci.com is disabled" on Tue, 24 Nov 2020 
13:36:54 +0100,
  Krisztián Szűcs <szucs.kriszt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Confirmed, we already have a negative credit balance due to travis'
> new billing strategy.
> The macos wheels quickly consume the credit based free tier, so travis
> disables even the linux builds.
> I think we should migrate away from travis to gha or azure, drawbacks:
> - the wheel scripts are tailored for travis
> - only amd64 arch

Thanks for confirming it.

It seems that we have 10,000 credits per month. Our
travis-ci.com jobs will be enabled again after 4 days. If we
reduce our travis-ci.com usage, we may be able to keep using

I also think that creating another account isn't an option
as Antoine said.

I think that we have 3 options for this:

  1. We reduce travis-ci.com usage to fit 10,000 credits per

  2. We buy credits from travis-ci.com to fit our usage as
     Antoine said.

  3. We migrate away to another CI from travis-ci.com as
     Krisztián and Antoine said.

How about trying 1. first? If reduced travis-ci.com usage
doesn't fit 10,000 credits per month, we will choose 2. or
3. Reducing travis-ci.com usage will be better even when we
choose 2. or 3.

We'll be able to migrate away the following jobs in
dev/tasks/tasks.yml from travis-ci.com:

  * wheel-osx-*
  * homebrew-*
  * gandiva-jar-*

Because there are other CIs such as GitHub Actions provide
macOS environment.

But the following jobs can't be migrated away from
travis-ci.com because there is no CI that provides arm64

  * debian-*-arm64
  * ubuntu-*-arm64
  * centos-*-aarch64

If we work on these jobs, we need to use QEMU on x86_64. We
did it before and still have configurations for it but this
approach is slow.

Could someone work on 1.?


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