Summary of IRC Meeting in #aurora at Mon May  4 18:02:19 2015:

Attendees: thalin, dnorris, jfarrell, jcohen, kts, wfarner_, mkhutornenko, 
bbrazil, zmanji, Yasumoto_, dlester

- Preface
- 0.8.0 RC status
- aurora hackathon
- 0.8.0 RC status
  - Action: jfarrell automatic CHANGELOG update script
- Aurora hackathon

IRC log follows:

## Preface ##
[Mon May  4 18:02:55 2015] <kts>: good morning everyone, welcome to the weekly 
community meeting. for first-timers, everyone is welcome to participate
[Mon May  4 18:03:11 2015] <kts>: let's get started with a quick roll call
[Mon May  4 18:03:15 2015] <wfarner_>: here
[Mon May  4 18:03:19 2015] <dlester>: present
[Mon May  4 18:03:19 2015] <thalin>: here
[Mon May  4 18:03:21 2015] <mkhutornenko>: here
[Mon May  4 18:03:53 2015] <jcohen>: here
[Mon May  4 18:04:17 2015] <kts>: while participants trickle in does anyone 
have agenda items? the only thing I have is the RC status
[Mon May  4 18:04:44 2015] <zmanji>: here
[Mon May  4 18:04:48 2015] <Yasumoto_>: woot
[Mon May  4 18:05:02 2015] <bbrazil>: here
## 0.8.0 RC status ##
[Mon May  4 18:06:06 2015] <dlester>: kts: I was chatting with wfarner about a 
potential Aurora hackathon in June, if we have a few minutes maybe we could 
open up the floor and see if anyone has any thoughts on that or other events in 
the next month or two
[Mon May  4 18:06:28 2015] <wfarner_>: +1 let's discuss that next
[Mon May  4 18:06:50 2015] <wfarner_>: paging jfarrell, who is the release 
[Mon May  4 18:06:54 2015] <kts>: jfarrell is the release manager, jfarrell do 
you have any updates on the 0.8.0 rc? anything waiting for review?
[Mon May  4 18:07:13 2015] <wfarner_>: saw him active on RC script at the end 
of last week, so i suspect he is close
[Mon May  4 18:07:39 2015] <kts>: okay let's table that topic for now then
## aurora hackathon ##
[Mon May  4 18:07:49 2015] <kts>: dlester: the floor is yours
[Mon May  4 18:08:04 2015] <jfarrell>: had some simple little issues over the 
weekend with the rc scripts, submitted patches and expecting to be able to get 
the rc packaged later today
[Mon May  4 18:08:48 2015] <wfarner_>: jfarrell: awesome!  please use latest 
master, i'd like to include 9a2bbde which just landed today
[Mon May  4 18:09:06 2015] <dlester>: We had the first meetup of the Bay Area 
Aurora Users Group last week, hosted by TellApart incl talks by ThanosB derfloh 
dmontauk and tony. video was recorded, hopefully that will go online along with 
slides soon
[Mon May  4 18:09:09 2015] <jfarrell>: have been combing through jira and 
updating the fix version on the 200+ issues that did not have it set (part for 
our automated documentation script, CHANGELOG required for release)
[Mon May  4 18:10:05 2015] <dlester>: I think there are two questions in my 
mind. 1) what do folks think about a roughly monthly cadence of meeting up in 
[Mon May  4 18:11:43 2015] <kts>: jfarrell: that sounds kinda high, and raises 
a question - what do we do for tickets that don't fix a bug that was present in 
a release
[Mon May  4 18:12:00 2015] <kts>: for example, a bug lands on master after 
0.7.0, but gets fixed before 0.8.0
[Mon May  4 18:12:10 2015] <kts>: what's the appropriate jira labeling for that?
## 0.8.0 RC status ##
[Mon May  4 18:12:21 2015] <wfarner_>: (since we're crossing threads now :-) )
[Mon May  4 18:12:23 2015] <jfarrell>: its fix verion is the next possible rc, 
so 0.8.0
[Mon May  4 18:12:56 2015] <kts>: but that seems like it would clutter the 
changelog for folks upgrading from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0
[Mon May  4 18:13:02 2015] <wfarner_>: my MO was such that we tack fix versions 
when we cut the version that includes the fix
[Mon May  4 18:13:35 2015] <wfarner_>: but i'm not firm on that
[Mon May  4 18:14:07 2015] <jfarrell>: if we have 2 versons in jira set, say 
0.7.0 and 0.8.0, and then release 0.7.0 all tickets that are resolved should 
have a 0.8.0 fixVersion then (they can have a seen in 0.7.0 setting)
[Mon May  4 18:14:29 2015] <jfarrell>: and if we cut a 0.7.1 then all 0.8.0 
tickets can be bulk updated to be 0.7.1
[Mon May  4 18:15:04 2015] <jfarrell>: if no fix version is set than the 
assumption has to be that from the last release when the changelog was made to 
this release anything with an empty fix version is in this current release
[Mon May  4 18:15:34 2015] <jfarrell>: otherwise we could start updating 
CHANGELOG per commit and not have an automated approach
[Mon May  4 18:15:35 2015] <kts>: so we should pretty much always set 
fixVersion to the next release version then?
[Mon May  4 18:16:13 2015] <jfarrell>: yes, when resolving that ticket (wish 
there was a way to automate that in jira)
[Mon May  4 18:16:33 2015] <wfarner_>: i like relying on the bulk update, and 
that at release time we bulk update anything with fixVersion=Empty
[Mon May  4 18:17:08 2015] <jfarrell>: I did that last night
[Mon May  4 18:17:38 2015] <kts>: then it seems like some manual curation is 
necessary to get rid of the noise between releases
[Mon May  4 18:17:45 2015] <wfarner_>: jfarrell: my only clarification to your 
filter above is resolution=Resolved, status=Fixed
[Mon May  4 18:18:38 2015] <jfarrell>: we can script this query and update out 
for the next release
[Mon May  4 18:19:16 2015] <wfarner_>: kts: i see, you're referring to the race 
between release cut and CHANGELOG collection?
[Mon May  4 18:19:18 2015] <jfarrell>: #action jfarrell automatic CHANGELOG 
update script
[Mon May  4 18:20:00 2015] <kts>: wfarner_: im referring to bugs that were 
introduced and fixed in between releases
[Mon May  4 18:20:17 2015] <jfarrell>: during the rc?
[Mon May  4 18:20:19 2015] <wfarner_>: kts: i se
[Mon May  4 18:20:21 2015] <wfarner_>: see*
[Mon May  4 18:20:31 2015] <kts>: nope, just during development
[Mon May  4 18:20:44 2015] <kts>: like "broke end-to-end test", "fixed 
[Mon May  4 18:21:24 2015] <wfarner_>: manual curation is the best antidote i 
can come up with for that
[Mon May  4 18:21:48 2015] <wfarner_>: but i'd still prefer to do that at the 
end of cycle, rather than on a continual basis.  do you agree?
[Mon May  4 18:22:19 2015] <kts>: yeah I could see that as a RM responsibility
[Mon May  4 18:22:23 2015] <jfarrell>: if fixVersion is empty we can just 
assume it is that release and auotmate it
[Mon May  4 18:22:59 2015] <kts>: our changelog could just be a link to a JIRA 
query at that point
[Mon May  4 18:23:24 2015] <jfarrell>: it is right now
[Mon May  4 18:23:48 2015] <wfarner_>: jfarrell: sounds like we're just lacking 
an initial curation step before applying fixVersion
[Mon May  4 18:23:55 2015] <jfarrell>:
[Mon May  4 18:24:16 2015] <jfarrell>: yep, and releases should not be archived 
in jira (someone archived them, keeps them from showing up under ^^)
[Mon May  4 18:24:22 2015] <wfarner_>: kts: one side-effect is that would leave 
the changelog open for mutation
[Mon May  4 18:25:09 2015] <wfarner_>: jfarrell: i was trying to figure out how 
that archiving happened when poking around the JIRA project admin a few weeks 
[Mon May  4 18:25:42 2015] <jfarrell>: i’ll restore them after 0.8.0 is out
[Mon May  4 18:25:52 2015] <wfarner_>: thanks!
[Mon May  4 18:26:00 2015] <kts>: well, we probably shouldn't mutate releases 
in jira after they've happened :)
[Mon May  4 18:27:08 2015] <kts>: in the interest of making progress, I think 
for this release the current process is fine
[Mon May  4 18:27:17 2015] <wfarner_>: +1 as we vote on this RC, let's pay 
extra attention to the CHANGELOG to see how we might improve
[Mon May  4 18:27:18 2015] <jfarrell>: and fixed,
[Mon May  4 18:27:46 2015] <kts>: jfarrell: thanks
[Mon May  4 18:27:50 2015] <wfarner_>: back to hackathon discussion?
## Aurora hackathon ##
[Mon May  4 18:28:01 2015] <jfarrell>: not sure if we could just point at jira 
for that or if the actual per ticket listing needs to be in the CHANGELOG file, 
will check on that
[Mon May  4 18:28:08 2015] <dlester>: I'll be brief: we're kicking around the 
idea of a full-day Aurora hackathon the week of June 22nd, any folks interested 
or have suggestions/feedback? Let us know.
[Mon May  4 18:28:09 2015] <kts>: dlester: you have the floor again, sorry for 
the false start
[Mon May  4 18:28:50 2015] <wfarner_>: +1 interested.  this could be a great 
opportunity to make progress on the REST API
[Mon May  4 18:28:54 2015] <kts>: have any themes in mind
[Mon May  4 18:29:01 2015] <dlester>: It's early, we don't have a location or 
date secured. but I wanted to share the idea in case folks had strong feelings 
about a focus or format
[Mon May  4 18:30:07 2015] <kts>: +1 on the REST API, or more generally to a 
focus on thinning out the client
[Mon May  4 18:30:35 2015] <jfarrell>: anything that occurrs at a hackathon 
please make sure that all standard things like keeping it on list and vote 
times are followed so anyone that might not be able to attend is still in the 
[Mon May  4 18:30:43 2015] <wfarner_>: yep
[Mon May  4 18:30:53 2015] <jfarrell>: huge +1 to driving community building 
with this
[Mon May  4 18:31:13 2015] <wfarner_>: dlester: can you solicit on dev@?  (or 
let me know if you'd like me to) some regulars i would expect to be interested 
aren't on today
[Mon May  4 18:31:30 2015] <dlester>: wfarner_: sure, I'll go ahead and do that 
[Mon May  4 18:31:34 2015] <wfarner_>: thanks!
[Mon May  4 18:31:43 2015] <kts>: last call for topics
[Mon May  4 18:32:29 2015] <kts>: looks like that's all. thanks everyone for 
[Mon May  4 18:32:32 2015] <jfarrell>: slides or recording from last meetup 
[Mon May  4 18:33:00 2015] <dnorris>: jfarrell: dlester mentioned they’re 
working on it (also here!)
[Mon May  4 18:33:19 2015] <kts>: im looking forward to seeing them
[Mon May  4 18:33:35 2015] <dnorris>: same, sounds like it was a good kickoff
[Mon May  4 18:33:57 2015] <dlester>: hey also if there's anyone on the channel 
(or off!) that isn't on the Aurora adopters list, it'd be great to add you. let 
us know
[Mon May  4 18:34:32 2015] <dlester>: I spoke to someone over the weekend whose 
company we'll add soon. nice to see some more community adoption
[Mon May  4 18:34:40 2015] <kts>: dlester: +1
[Mon May  4 18:34:43 2015] <kts>: ASFBot: meeting stop

Meeting ended at Mon May  4 18:34:43 2015

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