Summary of IRC Meeting in #aurora at Mon May 18 18:02:04 2015:

Attendees: lexinator, wickman, jfarrell, jcohen, rji_, jaybuff, mkhutornenko, 
derfloh, zmanji, SEJeff, rji, benley

- Preface
- 0.8.0 is released!
- deb/rpm packaging

IRC log follows:

## Preface ##
[Mon May 18 18:02:24 2015] <jfarrell>: afternoon everyone, lets get the meeting 
started today with a roll call
[Mon May 18 18:02:29 2015] <derfloh>: here
[Mon May 18 18:02:31 2015] <jcohen>: here
[Mon May 18 18:02:36 2015] <rji_>: here
[Mon May 18 18:02:54 2015] <jaybuff>: here
[Mon May 18 18:03:01 2015] <lexinator>: here
[Mon May 18 18:03:11 2015] <jcohen>: While we’re doing roll call, feel free 
to chime in with any topics for discussion
[Mon May 18 18:03:17 2015] <wickman>: aye
[Mon May 18 18:04:00 2015] <mkhutornenko>: here
## 0.8.0 is released! ##
[Mon May 18 18:04:48 2015] <zmanji>: We have a sweet blog post thanks to 
[Mon May 18 18:04:57 2015] <jcohen>: We shipped 0.8.0 last week, congrats to 
all involved (and thanks to jfarrell for shepherding the release)
[Mon May 18 18:05:23 2015] <derfloh>: hooray! :)
[Mon May 18 18:05:32 2015] <jcohen>: One thing to note, with the release of 
0.8.0 we’ve swtiched to using JDK 8 by default
[Mon May 18 18:05:37 2015] <jcohen>: on master
[Mon May 18 18:05:49 2015] <jcohen>: (i.e. 0.8.0 will be the last release to 
support JDK 7)
[Mon May 18 18:06:58 2015] <jcohen>: I think that’s the only topic I’ve 
got. Anyone else have anything to discuss?
[Mon May 18 18:07:05 2015] <jcohen>: If not this will be a very brief meeting :)
[Mon May 18 18:07:35 2015] <rji>: I don't think dlester or benley are here, but 
I was curious as to the state of deb and rpm packaging for the 0.9.0 release
[Mon May 18 18:07:50 2015] <rji>: Specifically AURORA-951 and AURORA-1116
[Mon May 18 18:07:51 2015] <benley>: I'm here
## deb/rpm packaging ##
[Mon May 18 18:08:06 2015] <benley>: I'm on the subway though so high latency
[Mon May 18 18:08:06 2015] <jcohen>: benley: the floor is yours if you have any 
[Mon May 18 18:08:44 2015] <benley>: I don't currently have any update. I'd 
like suggestions on how to make progress though.
[Mon May 18 18:09:10 2015] <benley>: What's the expectation for what done looks 
[Mon May 18 18:09:22 2015] <jcohen>:
[Mon May 18 18:09:47 2015] <jcohen>: #off Why do these never get expanded 
[Mon May 18 18:09:51 2015] <jcohen>: AURORA-951
[Mon May 18 18:09:56 2015] <jcohen>: #off there we go!
[Mon May 18 18:10:06 2015] <jcohen>: AURORA-1116
[Mon May 18 18:10:38 2015] <benley>: Right. So - I'll commit to getting it 
ready to merge before 0.9 is released
[Mon May 18 18:10:52 2015] <benley>: The deb half that is.
[Mon May 18 18:11:29 2015] <jcohen>: I’ll leave it up to folks with more 
experience with this package to comment on what “done” means. My naive 
opinion is that we have artifacts that are installable via the respective 
package managers.
[Mon May 18 18:11:43 2015] <jcohen>: whatever handwavey thing that turns out to 
mean ;)
[Mon May 18 18:11:50 2015] <benley>: I think it will mostly just be a matter of 
CI integration at this point
[Mon May 18 18:12:06 2015] <jcohen>: great
[Mon May 18 18:12:18 2015] <benley>: And tweaking the patch for the current 
release of course
[Mon May 18 18:12:36 2015] <SEJeff>: with native systemd units or is that 
another discussion entirely?
[Mon May 18 18:12:41 2015] <jfarrell>: benley: when its ready i’ll happily 
review again
[Mon May 18 18:12:49 2015] <rji>: Yeah the deb stuff looks pretty much done. 
The RPM stuff has a patch up on review but the ticket is unassigned, not sure 
how we can get that shepherded through to release along with deb packages for 
[Mon May 18 18:13:03 2015] <benley>: Oh, I have not written systemd units.  
That isn't hard though.
[Mon May 18 18:13:47 2015] <benley>: The deb patch as it currently exists is 
targeting Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
[Mon May 18 18:13:56 2015] <rji>: Ideally, I would think we would want deb and 
rpm packages released alongside each other, but I also understand that there 
are two separate patches by two separate authors, and I'm not sure who would 
coordinate their release
[Mon May 18 18:14:13 2015] <rji>: benley: +1 to Ubuntu 14.04!
[Mon May 18 18:15:48 2015] <benley>: #off I'm stepping off the train now - back 
in a bit
[Mon May 18 18:16:08 2015] <jcohen>: Any other topics for discussion?
[Mon May 18 18:16:53 2015] <jcohen>: Ok, sounds like that’s it for this week.
[Mon May 18 18:16:56 2015] <jcohen>: Thanks all!
[Mon May 18 18:16:57 2015] <jcohen>: #off jfarrell feel free to close the 
[Mon May 18 18:17:22 2015] <jfarrell>: ASFBot: meeting stop

Meeting ended at Mon May 18 18:17:22 2015

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