Thanks for sending this out Josh!

On Monday, August 17, 2015, Joshua Cohen <> wrote:

> No one with karma was around to kick off an official meeting, so we had an
> ad-hoc meeting. Here's the transcript:
> 11:01 jcohen: ASFBot: meeting start
> 11:01 ASFBot: You don't have enough karma for this request
> 11:01 jcohen: didn’t think so!
> 11:01 zmanji: ASFBot: meeting start
> 11:01 ASFBot: You don't have enough karma for this request
> 11:02 zmanji: I really thought jake added me to the karma list
> 11:02 zmanji: ASFBot meeting start
> 11:02 zmanji: dlester can you karma us here?
> 11:02 zmanji: ASFBot: meeting start
> 11:02 ASFBot: You don't have enough karma for this request
> 11:02 jcohen: Let’s just do an ad-hoc meeting
> 11:02 jcohen: we can manually send notes?
> 11:03 jcohen: Let’s start with roll-call, why not.
> 11:03 jcohen: here :)
> 11:03 rdelvalle: here
> 11:03 zmanji: here
> 11:03 mkhutornenko: here
> 11:04 thalin: here
> 11:04 jcohen: #topic MesosCon
> 11:04 jcohen: Several Aurora contributors will be at MesosCon this week,
> giving Aurora-related talks.
> 11:05 jcohen: If you’re going to be at MesosCon, definitely look them up!
> 11:05 jcohen: Anyone else have any topics?
> 11:05 zmanji: #topic Forking Twitter Commons
> 11:05 Yasumoto: I'm speaking on Thursday! :)
> 11:05 zmanji: the IP Grant was given to fork Twitter Commons into our tree
> 11:06 Yasumoto: [off] too late, sorry :P
> 11:06 zmanji: look out for a patch this week that does that and follow up
> patches that upgrade guice and guava
> 11:06 Yasumoto: excellent
> 11:06 zmanji: I’m done
> 11:06 thalin: GSOC update? That's about finished, correct?
> 11:07 jcohen: Is there a GSOC update?
> 11:07 jcohen: I believe Willy’s making good progress
> 11:07 thalin: I just remember seeing emails about it recently
> 11:08 jcohen: Ok, if that’s it I’ll call an end to the meeting
> 11:08 jcohen: have a good week everyone!
> 11:09 mkhutornenko: wait, one more topic
> 11:09 jcohen: ok!
> 11:09 mkhutornenko: #topic Mesos 0.23.0
> 11:09 mkhutornenko: Mesos 0.23.0 enforces a new runtime dependency on
> MesosExecutorDriver
> 11:09 mkhutornenko: FYI: You will need libcurl4-nss-dev installed on every
> slave
> 11:10 mkhutornenko: More details here:
> 11:10 mkhutornenko: Aurora RB:
> 11:10 mkhutornenko: end of topic
> 11:11 jcohen: Thanks Maxim
> 11:11 jcohen: Last chance for topics
> 11:12 jcohen: now if only I could get a decently formatted transcript out
> of colloquy!

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