Summary of IRC Meeting in #aurora at Mon Aug  3 18:00:57 2015:

Attendees: lexinator, jfarrell, jcohen, wfarner, Yasumoto, kts, mkhutornenko, 
zmanji, dlester

- Preface
- 0.9.0 binaries
- forking twitter commons
- Web UI
- Python build refactor

IRC log follows:

## Preface ##
[Mon Aug  3 18:01:02 2015] <wfarner>: let's start with roll call
[Mon Aug  3 18:01:03 2015] <wfarner>: here
[Mon Aug  3 18:01:07 2015] <mkhutornenko>: here
[Mon Aug  3 18:01:13 2015] <Yasumoto>: howdy
[Mon Aug  3 18:03:18 2015] <zmanji>: here
[Mon Aug  3 18:03:25 2015] <jcohen>: ahoy ahoy
[Mon Aug  3 18:04:25 2015] <lexinator>: here
## 0.9.0 binaries ##
[Mon Aug  3 18:04:50 2015] <wfarner>: AURORA-1410
[Mon Aug  3 18:05:28 2015] <kts>: (here)
[Mon Aug  3 18:05:56 2015] <wfarner>: FYI i hope to get to a point where we 
have RPMs and debs up for vote by the end of the week.  please watch that 
ticket for progress and dev@ for eventual vote thread
[Mon Aug  3 18:06:38 2015] <wfarner>: i'm planning to come up with Dockerfiles 
for target distributions, and use those as a basis for building artifacts
[Mon Aug  3 18:06:39 2015] <dlester>: present
[Mon Aug  3 18:07:11 2015] <wfarner>: that's all i had for this topic, and the 
only topic i had on my agenda for today.
[Mon Aug  3 18:07:14 2015] <wfarner>: does anyone else have a topic to raise?
## forking twitter commons ##
[Mon Aug  3 18:07:41 2015] <zmanji>: just to update everyone, I still indend to 
do that but I am waiting on an IP release from Twitter
[Mon Aug  3 18:07:57 2015] <Yasumoto>: +1
[Mon Aug  3 18:08:04 2015] <zmanji>: that’s all I got
## Web UI ##
[Mon Aug  3 18:08:14 2015] <jcohen>: AURORA-1374
[Mon Aug  3 18:08:37 2015] <jcohen>: I’m picking off tickets from this epic 
to address some rough edges in the Web UI
[Mon Aug  3 18:09:10 2015] <jcohen>: If there’s anything that bugs you about 
the UI feel free to vote up one of those tickets or file a new one and 
hopefully we can take a look.
[Mon Aug  3 18:09:41 2015] <jcohen>: <eom>
## Python build refactor ##
[Mon Aug  3 18:10:24 2015] <kts>: ive started refactoring the python build 
configuration to implode the number of packages we provide
[Mon Aug  3 18:10:37 2015] <kts>: this should simplify migration to a build
[Mon Aug  3 18:11:59 2015] <wfarner>: anything else before we close up?
[Mon Aug  3 18:12:08 2015] <kts>: some build targets for binaries are changing, 
keep up by reading NEWS
[Mon Aug  3 18:12:15 2015] <kts>: that's all I've got
[Mon Aug  3 18:12:17 2015] <jfarrell>: kts: thanks for explaining that in 
detail on the dev list
[Mon Aug  3 18:13:46 2015] <kts>: context -
[Mon Aug  3 18:15:20 2015] <wfarner>: thanks for participating, everyone!  see 
you all next week!
[Mon Aug  3 18:15:22 2015] <wfarner>: ASFBot: meeting stop

Meeting ended at Mon Aug  3 18:15:22 2015

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