Summary of IRC Meeting in #aurora at Mon Aug 24 18:01:47 2015:

Attendees: lexinator, jfarrell, wfarner, Yasumoto, kts, dlester, kts_

- Preface
- Packaging update
- MesosCon recap
- roadmap

IRC log follows:

## Preface ##
[Mon Aug 24 18:01:51 2015] <wfarner>: let's start with roll call
[Mon Aug 24 18:01:51 2015] <wfarner>: here
[Mon Aug 24 18:02:00 2015] <lexinator>: here
[Mon Aug 24 18:02:57 2015] <dlester>: morning. here
[Mon Aug 24 18:04:29 2015] <Yasumoto>: howdy howdy all
## Packaging update ##
[Mon Aug 24 18:06:41 2015] <wfarner>: AURORA-1410
[Mon Aug 24 18:07:11 2015] <wfarner>: Now that i'm back to work, i'm picking up 
work again to produce packages for 0.9.0.
[Mon Aug 24 18:07:23 2015] <jfarrell>: here
[Mon Aug 24 18:07:31 2015] <wfarner>: I landed the patch to create tooling for 
this, and am now doing some rudimentary testing of the packages themselves
[Mon Aug 24 18:07:53 2015] <wfarner>: Hoping to have a set of debs and rpms by 
the end of the week that are worthy for a vote
[Mon Aug 24 18:08:05 2015] <jfarrell>: i’ve setup the infra side for this, so 
once vote is successful we can deploy. working on the scripts now to be able to 
help automate that process
## MesosCon recap ##
[Mon Aug 24 18:09:44 2015] <wfarner>: it was great to finally meet some of 
y'all at MesosCon!
[Mon Aug 24 18:10:00 2015] <wfarner>: for those of you that couldn't make it, 
talk slides are trickling in here:
[Mon Aug 24 18:10:31 2015] <wfarner>: i'm told that videos will be posted on 
youtube, unclear what the time frame is
[Mon Aug 24 18:10:55 2015] <jfarrell>: great work to all that presentated and 
showcased Aurora
[Mon Aug 24 18:11:24 2015] <dlester>: Videos should start to go online early 
this week -- an early edit of Joe's talk is just about ready to go
[Mon Aug 24 18:11:39 2015] <jfarrell>: was a lot of additional side 
conversations about people interested in adopting and contributing
[Mon Aug 24 18:12:08 2015] <wfarner>: big takeaway for us from the conference, 
we need to make it easier for people to get their hands on Aurora!  there were 
lots of people remarking that they passed on it for now because of trouble 
getting started
[Mon Aug 24 18:12:47 2015] <wfarner>: packaging was a consistent theme, so it's 
good that we're already pretty close
[Mon Aug 24 18:13:33 2015] <kts_>: +1
[Mon Aug 24 18:14:41 2015] <wfarner>: that's all i have for today.  floor is 
open for other topics
[Mon Aug 24 18:15:12 2015] <jfarrell>: # roadmap
## roadmap ##
[Mon Aug 24 18:15:51 2015] <jfarrell>: i’d like to get a file started in the 
root or our repo that details our higher plans for Aurora so others can follow 
[Mon Aug 24 18:16:11 2015] <jfarrell>: i’ll open a discussion on this on the 
dev@ list and start a ticket as well
[Mon Aug 24 18:16:31 2015] <dlester>: Excellent idea, +1
[Mon Aug 24 18:16:45 2015] <jfarrell>: would like to have a good list started 
by our next weekly meeting, all are encouraged to participate and add
[Mon Aug 24 18:17:01 2015] <kts>: I'd personally prefer to use JIRA as our 
source-of-truth for that - a file in the repo root seems heavyweight
[Mon Aug 24 18:17:40 2015] <jfarrell>: not set on one place, just want to 
capture our roadmap somewhere we can point to
[Mon Aug 24 18:17:49 2015] <kts>: +1 to capturing a roadmap
[Mon Aug 24 18:17:53 2015] <wfarner>: +1 regardless of location
[Mon Aug 24 18:18:30 2015] <jfarrell>: give new users and view into our 
projects goals and also how its evolving as a community project
[Mon Aug 24 18:18:53 2015] <jfarrell>: i’ll put a discuss thread up shortly 
on it
[Mon Aug 24 18:19:16 2015] <jfarrell>: thats all I have, other than getting the 
deb packages ready as soon as we can
[Mon Aug 24 18:19:22 2015] <wfarner>: thanks, jfarrell
[Mon Aug 24 18:19:34 2015] <wfarner>: floor is open for additional topics
[Mon Aug 24 18:21:41 2015] <wfarner>: thanks for chiming in, see y'all next 
[Mon Aug 24 18:21:44 2015] <wfarner>: ASFBot: meeting stop

Meeting ended at Mon Aug 24 18:21:44 2015

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