Zoltan>...because unfortunately this new patch  still contains an bug.

Could I please correct you a bit?
The patch did solve the issue that is represented in the issue description.
The patch did pass all the tests you had by that moment.

So "still contains a bug" is more like "there are uncovered cases".

Zoltan>* I've submitted a patch to disable this oversimplification because
that seemed to be the right move to me.

That is the culprit. Your analysis was too pessimistic, so you decided to
remove a feature rather than implement a bug fix.
There are cases when it is safer to just remove half-backed feature,
however 2327 is not of that kind.

>CALCITE-2271 something similar happened...Alexey Makhmutov

Initial analysis by Alexey was not right, so he implemented a wrong
solution. That happens when people try to fix unfamiliar codebases.


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