My thought was that the least that should be done is post a note that the
issue has been fixed. However (others can correct me if I'm wrong), it
seems that you did do this before Zoltan sent out his earlier email. In any
case, while it's true that both of the issue and the PR were "inactive", I
see the last activity on both of those before the period of inactivity was
by Zoltan. I don't see this as a case of the issue being abandoned. When
there's no response from a contributor, developing and committing an
alternate fix seems reasonable.

In this case, it seems like Zoltan was still willing to help provide a
solution so I don't think it's appropriate to ignore the work he put in
which seems to be what happened. One of the other side effects in this case
seems to be (without having examined the technical merit of either
solution) that the fix which was ultimately committed still didn't solve
the original issue.

Michael Mior

Le mar. 28 août 2018 à 15:09, Vladimir Sitnikov <>
a écrit :

> Michael>I still think
> Michael>this should be communicated to the original contributor along with
> a link
> Michael>to the fix. This at least gives the person an opportunity to learn.
> I have linked the original PR and the fix, and it did help Zoltan to note
> an alternative implementation.
> Julian>Your behavior was extremely rude.
> Do you mean just CALCITE-2327?
> Do you mean other cases?
> Julian>It does seem that you were technically correct in this case. But we
> require civility in this community.
> Does that imply the behavior was not civil?
> The bug is trivial, and I really see no reasons to spend time on discussing
> the bits.
> Remember: CALCITE-2327/PR707 was inactive since July. The fix takes just
> 10-20minutes.
> What sense does it make to ping the issue?
> I would rather commit the fix than spend days on discussion. No-one would
> learn from that discussion.
> As you remember, bike-shedding causes
> Vladimir

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