On Mon, Nov 9, 2020 at 10:14 PM Rich Bowen <rbo...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 2020/11/09 12:49:43, Guillaume Nodet <gno...@apache.org> wrote:
> > Not really.  Those are technical terms, and I don't really see any benefits
> > in changing them.
> I would encourage you to read the various documents at 
> https://github.com/conscious-lang/conscious-lang-docs regarding the benefits 
> in changing them.
> In short, the benefit is 1) removing barriers to new contributors who feel 
> marginalized by the terms and 2) objectively clearer language to explain 
> those technical terms.

If I may... I know I'm fairly new in Camel, but it's true that
language creates conscious and subconscious barriers.

As white-ish I can't relate with the issues with white/black lists and
master/slave. But I can understand them because when the language used
is "too macho" I tend to be repelled to interact further. This is
usually not a conscious thing I do, but there's some kind of alarm
that starts somewhere in my head telling me it is not a safe space for
me, that people using that language usually are people that hate and
denigrate women and I am not going to be accepted as an equal.

So, even if I don't feel bad reading those words, I can understand why
other people may feel bad and don't feel comfortable mingling with the
rest of us.

Changing those words is an easy step for us, there's no real change in
the technology behind, there's nothing that will fundamentally change
for us. We just use a synonym and that's it.

But this change may attract other developers we are repelling right now.

+1 for me


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