On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Paul Brown <paulrbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One way that this could be accomplished with a relatively even hand is to 
> ensure that the relative liveliness of the client libraries is apparent on 
> the page, e.g., a most recent release date, the target language (and 
> potentially any additional decoration like Spring or Rails or...), and a list 
> of versions of Cassandra supported.

This gives the users a little more information, but still leaves it up
to each one to evaluate indpendently.  (Again, I stress that they have
to do this evaluation at a point when they are not well-equipped to do

> Or a vendor who wanted Cassandra-related traffic could post a client registry 
> backed by a simple database...


Backing it with a database doesn't solve the evaluation problem, though.

Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of Riptano, the source for professional Cassandra support

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