I think one issue is a lack of liveness on the web end of the project
itself. The project web site doesn't feel like the natural focal point
it ought to be, and client confusion might (in part) be an artifact of

The mongodb wiki works alright without much effort because it has a
clear structure, and - in all honesty - doesn't look like raw
moinmoin. If the Cassandra web site and wiki was on confluence using a
common theme, it'd be more coherent and also encourage participation,
I think.

As for client confusion, I think having a separate page on the wiki
for each language/library would work (like the mongodb "language
centers", but with ). "What's best for ____" will distill if there's
an obvious place for the relevant people to arrive and contribute.

I don't think the project itself should be responsible for endorsing
or maintaining client, but highlighting/featuring favored options is
probably good though - especially for newcomers.


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