On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 10:56 AM, Eric Evans <eev...@acunu.com> wrote:
> There probably is a rather large group of "shadow" users whose
> (valuable?) input doesn't make it to the list or bug tracker.  It
> sounds like Gary is questioning whether we should be giving these
> people a voice.  Assuming I have that right, I agree that's a very
> good question.  This is a community-based project after all.

First, as attractive (and easy!) as it is to live inside our echo
chamber, yes, I do think we should give them a voice.  Of course, that
doesn't mean you're obliged to listen to it.  If you don't think that
is a valuable source of input for prioritizing your work, you're free
to ignore it.

Second, what I'm talking about is a different type of data from what
you get on jira + ML.  Those are "negative" sources of information --
you mostly only find out someone is using compression if they have a
problem with it.  How many people are using it with no problems?  That
is what this would let us start to find out.

Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

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