> 1. I’d suggest setting up an iss...@cassandra.apache.org mailing list which 
> posts all changes to JIRA tickets (comments, issue reassignments, status 
> changes). This could be subscribed to like any other mailing list, and while 
> this list would be high volume it increases transparency of what’s happening 
> across the project.

For anyone who wants to follow that stream for Apache Cassandra we have 
commits@ setup for this.  

> On Aug 15, 2016, at 2:06 PM, Dave Lester <dave_les...@apple.com> wrote:
> For all Apache projects, mailing lists are the source of truth. See: "If it 
> didn't happen on a mailing list, it didn't happen." 
> https://community.apache.org/newbiefaq.html#is-there-a-code-of-conduct-for-apache-projects
> <https://community.apache.org/newbiefaq.html#is-there-a-code-of-conduct-for-apache-projects>
> In response to Jason’s question, here are two things I’ve seen work well in 
> the Apache Mesos community:
> 1. I’d suggest setting up an iss...@cassandra.apache.org mailing list which 
> posts all changes to JIRA tickets (comments, issue reassignments, status 
> changes). This could be subscribed to like any other mailing list, and while 
> this list would be high volume it increases transparency of what’s happening 
> across the project.
> For Apache Mesos, we have a issues@mesos list: 
> https://lists.apache.org/list.html?iss...@mesos.apache.org 
> <https://lists.apache.org/list.html?iss...@mesos.apache.org> for this 
> purpose. It can be hugely valuable for keeping tabs on what’s happening in 
> the project. If there’s interest in creating this for Cassandra, here’s a 
> link to the original INFRA ticket as a reference: 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-7971 
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-7971>
> 2. Apache Mesos has formalized process of design documents / feature 
> development, to encourage community discussion prior to being committed — 
> this discussion takes place on the mailing list and often has less to do with 
> the merits of a particular patch as much as it does on an overall design, its 
> relationship to dependencies, its usage, or larger issues about the direction 
> of a feature. These discussions belong on the mailing list.
> To keep these discussions / design documents connected to JIRA we attach 
> links to JIRA issues. For example: 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MESOS/Design+docs+--+Shared+Links 
> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MESOS/Design+docs+--+Shared+Links>.
>  The design doc approach is more of a formalization of what Jonathan 
> originally proposed.
> Dave
>> On Aug 15, 2016, at 11:34 AM, Jason Brown <jasedbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Chris,
>> Can you give a few examples of other healthy Apache projects which you feel
>> would be good example? Note: I'm not trying to bait the conversation, but
>> am genuinely interested in what other successful projects do.
>> Thanks
>> Jason
>> On Monday, August 15, 2016, Chris Mattmann <mattm...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> s/dev list followers/<your community>/
>>> That’s (one of) the disconnect(s). It’s not *you the emboldened, powerful
>>> PMC*
>>> and then everyone else.
>>> On 8/15/16, 11:25 AM, "Jeremy Hanna" <jeremy.hanna1...@gmail.com
>>> <javascript:;>> wrote:
>>>   Regarding high level linking, if I’m in irc or slack or hipchat or a
>>> mailing list thread, it’s easy to reference a Jira ID and chat programs can
>>> link to it and bots can bring up various details.  I don’t think a hash id
>>> for a mailing list is as simple or memorable.
>>>   A feature of a mailing list thread is that it can go in different
>>> directions easily.  The burden is that it will be harder to follow in the
>>> future if you’re trying to sort out implementation details.  So for high
>>> level discussion, the mailing list is great.  When getting down to the
>>> actual work and discussion about that focused work, that’s where a tool
>>> like Jira comes in.  Then it is reference-able in the changes.txt and other
>>> things.
>>>   I think the approach proposed by Jonathan is a nice way to keep dev
>>> list followers informed but keeping ticket details focused.
>>>> On Aug 15, 2016, at 1:12 PM, Chris Mattmann <mattm...@apache.org
>>> <javascript:;>> wrote:
>>>> How is it harder to point someone to mail?
>>>> Have you seen lists.apache.org?
>>>> Specifically:
>>>> https://lists.apache.org/list.html?dev@cassandra.apache.org
>>>> On 8/15/16, 10:08 AM, "Jeremiah D Jordan" <jeremiah.jor...@gmail.com
>>> <javascript:;>> wrote:
>>>>  I like keeping things in JIRA because then everything is in one
>>> place, and it is easy to refer someone to it in the future.
>>>>  But I agree that JIRA tickets with a bunch of design discussion
>>> and POC’s and such in them can get pretty long and convoluted.
>>>>  I don’t really like the idea of moving all of that discussion to
>>> email which makes it has harder to point someone to it.  Maybe a better
>>> idea would be to have a “design/POC” JIRA and an “implementation” JIRA.
>>> That way we could still keep things in JIRA, but the final decision would
>>> be kept “clean”.
>>>>  Though it would be nice if people would send an email to the dev
>>> list when proposing “design” JIRA’s, as not everyone has time to follow
>>> every JIRA ever made to see that a new design JIRA was created that they
>>> might be interested in participating on.
>>>>  My 2c.
>>>>  -Jeremiah
>>>>> On Aug 15, 2016, at 9:22 AM, Jonathan Ellis <jbel...@gmail.com
>>> <javascript:;>> wrote:
>>>>> A long time ago, I was a proponent of keeping most development
>>> discussions
>>>>> on Jira, where tickets can be self contained and the threadless
>>> nature
>>>>> helps keep discussions from getting sidetracked.
>>>>> But Cassandra was a lot smaller then, and as we've grown it has
>>> become
>>>>> necessary to separate out the signal (discussions of new features
>>> and major
>>>>> changes) from the noise of routine bug reports.
>>>>> I propose that we take advantage of the dev list to perform that
>>>>> separation.  Major new features and architectural improvements
>>> should be
>>>>> discussed first here, then when consensus on design is achieved,
>>> moved to
>>>>> Jira for implementation and review.
>>>>> I think this will also help with the problem when the initial idea
>>> proves
>>>>> to be unworkable and gets revised substantially later after much
>>>>> discussion.  It can be difficult to figure out what the conclusion
>>> was, as
>>>>> review comments start to pile up afterwards.  Having that
>>> discussion on the
>>>>> list, and summarizing on Jira, would mitigate this.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Jonathan Ellis
>>>>> Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
>>>>> co-founder, http://www.datastax.com
>>>>> @spyced

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