On 2016-08-15 11:34 (-0700), Jason Brown <jasedbr...@gmail.com> wrote: 

> Can you give a few examples of other healthy Apache projects which you feel
> would be good example? Note: I'm not trying to bait the conversation, but
> am genuinely interested in what other successful projects do.

The Apache Calcite project, which has had issues@ broken out as a separate
list, chose to start sending notifications on JIRA issue *creation* (only!) to
the dev list last March.

Julian Hyde, who made the proposal, is active in the Apache Incubator and has
served as Mentor for several incubating projects, so he's dealt with this
issue several times.


    I propose that when a JIRA is created, we send an email to both dev@ and
    issues@. This will be an extra 40 emails per month on the dev list. I am
    really cautious about increasing the number of messages on the dev list,
    because I think high-volume lists discourage part-time contributors, but I
    think this change is worthwhile. It will make people aware of
    conversations that are happening and if it helps to channel conversations
    onto JIRA cases it could possibly even REDUCE the volume on the dev list.

You may also be interested in the advice that new podlings receive when they
hit the Incubator:


Marvin Humphrey

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