Generally, fixver has only been set during commits - I only marked 3.10
and blocker status to highlight the few that failed votes, in order to
sort of cheerlead "fix me so we can release!" JIRA tickets. The full
test-failure list is probably the more "realistic" view, since any of
those may occur. As I also just replied, an auth_test method is the
current failure on c-3.11 branch. Mark it as a blocker? Re-run the job
and hope for green? Unmark the current 3.10 fixver blockers, since they
didn't fail? (Likely to get some other failure or maybe a full pass)


On 01/10/2017 10:56 AM, Josh McKenzie wrote:
> I assume you meant the query w/out 12617 embedded?
> Do we have confidence that all test failures have fixVersion attached
> correctly? The list of test failures w/out fixVersion is pretty daunting:
> On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 11:49 AM, Nate McCall <> wrote:
>>> I concede it would be fine to do it gradually. Once the pace of issues
>>> introduced by new development is beaten by the pace at which they are
>>> addressed I think things will go well.
>> So from Michael's JIRA query:
>> jql=project%20%3D%20CASSANDRA%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%203.
>> 10%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved
>> Are we good for 3.10 after we get those cleaned up?
>> Ariel, you made reference to:
>> 86b88dd601
>> Do we need to re-open an issue to have this applied to 3.10 and add it
>> to the above list?
>>> On Tue, Jan 10, 2017, at 11:17 AM, Josh McKenzie wrote:
>>>> Sankalp's proposal of us progressively tightening up our standards
>> allows
>>>> us to get code out the door and regain some lost momentum on the 3.10
>>>> release failures and blocking, and gives us time as a community to
>> adjust
>>>> our behavior without the burden of an ever-later slipped release hanging
>>>> over our heads. There's plenty of bugfixes in the 3.X line; the more
>> time
>>>> people can have to kick the tires on that code, the more things we can
>>>> find
>>>> and the better future releases will be.
>> +1 On gradually moving to this. Dropping releases with huge change
>> lists has never gone well for us in the past.

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