> Are there any questions or concerns about this donation?

Getting substantial contributions to the documentation is a great thing to
in principle.

My main question was around the exact form this donation would take since
project has already lots of documentation. And I was about to suggest that a
good option would be individual tickets to contribute specific additions to
existing parts and probably a few new parts. But your last email suggests
exactly this from what I understand, so I'm personally satisfied on that

> Any thoughts on documentation system to use long-term, since a donation
> of this size would be a reasonable time to consider switching to something
> more preferable

My advise would be to ignore that consideration from the process of such
contribution. I  don't think the impact is that big, and my experience is
such "only-semi-related" dependencies often needlessly slows the
process for little benefit.

To justify this a bit, my reasoning is that assuming we do change the
system, given our usual process for contributions works better with
things, then it's hard for me to imagine a strong argument made for moving
of a somewhat standard markup format (but I'd welcome good arguments that
proves me wrong).

So it would be a change from one "somewhat standard markup format" to
and those have tools to convert between each other (pandoc
(https://pandoc.org/) comes to mind, and while I think its rst support is
extensive, https://pypi.org/project/sphinx-asciidoc/ is probably good

Tbc, such conversion probably need some light post-processing in practice,
that's unlikely a huge undertaking, even with significantly more
than the project currently has.

> I'd like to get the docs out of Sphinx.  I hate it.  The syntax is crap
> almost nobody knows it.

> As a stopgap, Sphinx can generate docs based on markdown (and possibly
> asciidoc but I haven't checked).  Probably easiest to do the conversion to
> markdown incrementally that way, then we can flip everything over to Hugo.

I respect your opinions, but before considering such change "acted", I would
hope that (as for anything else) a case with as-objective-as-possible
is made. One that weights the benefits against its costs.

Tbc, it's not that I care deeply for either Sphinx or reStructuredText on a
personal level, nor that I'm opposing such changes on principle. Just that
the ROI is not _that_ obvious to me, in that while I can see some pros, I
find them overwhelming and I do see some cons (this needs a longer
but to mention just one of the top of my head: the
CQL reference doc does use 'grammar' conveniences and that is imo genuinely
nice (for users using the doc) but might be a PITA to reproduce with

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