> So looking at accord trunk, we needed 12 votes for a release, and each
> vote is a min of 3 days, so 36 days of overhead vs 5 hours of work?

That's apples and oranges (wait time vs effort time).  I was most
interested in (and supportive of) your qualified opinion :-)

> One thing that can be annoying is for people who don’t use work trees and
> switch between trunk and cassandra-4.x in the same directory… I am not sure
> if the issues here are my scripts, or git getting confused…. If you use
> work trees (I strongly recommend regardless of submodules or not) you don’t
> have these issues (my disk layout is below [1]).

I'm wondering if we should wait until our first git submodule is in trunk,
so the process gets more exposure, before adding our second ?
It's a bit of a pita to get rid of warnings/errors from bad hooks.

> Submodules do have their own overhead and edge cases, so I am mostly in
> favor of using for cases where the code must live outside of tree (such as
> jvm-dtest that lives out of tree as all branches need the same interfaces)

Agree. If it makes sense it would be better to just bring the code in.

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