Hi Vladimir,

I figured you were away and would get back to us when you could.  :)

I was talking to John Griffith.  It sounds like you worked with him on

You are correct that I am interested in your Option 1:  Mapping a single VM
or a single data disk to a single volume on our SAN (via a single Datastore
for VMware, a single Storage Repository for XenServer, etc.).

I have code written that creates a XenServer Storage Repository and I am
testing code I finished writing last night to create a VMware Datastore.

We should decide where this will be placed in CloudStack because, as you
and others have commented, the storage plug-ins themselves should not have
to maintain this code.  For example, when HyperV support comes out in CS
later, we don't want to have to update all the storage plug-ins to support

You don't happen to have code lying around that creates the necessary
storage objects for KVM and/or Oracle VM, do you?  :)

If not, we should start in on creating such logic at some point relatively

I'll send out my XenServer and VMware code to you and Edison when I finish
my testing (probably tomorrow).

Talk to you later!

On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Vladimir Popovski <
vladi...@zadarastorage.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I was away for couple of days, so sorry for the delay.
> I’m completely with Mike & John (& others) on separating storage plugins
> from hypervisor-related functions. If every plugin will need to implement
> hypervisor-related code, it will be a big mess.
> Our use-case is very similar to Mike’s – we would like to be able to
> provision volumes with different QoS characteristics directly to VMs,
> rather than adding them into “shared” datastores. It might be achieved in
> two ways:
> -          either to create separate data stores per each volume (storage
> LUN), and from there to create volumes & assign to instances.
> -          or to assign devices recognized by iSCSI Initiators directly
> to instances (I’m not sure if it will be possible in VMware without
> datastores)
> It looks like Mike started to work on the 1st approach. In this case, for
> every volume there will be a separate datastore. If this is the preferred
> direction for all storage plugins, then the hypervisor-specific logic of
> datastore creation and creating/assigning volumes from the datastore will
> be fairly common for all storage plug-ins. At the same time, the storage
> plugin should have the control over the datastore management. It will
> depend on the plugin, if dedicated or shared datastores should be created.
> For the 2nd option (skipping the datastore layer) there might be plenty
> of common code as well.
> So, my questions are:
> -          do you think it is beneficial to support both options for the
> CS (or are we good with potentially huge number of datastores)?
> -          are we all agree that HV-dependent storage code should be
> generic and appropriate interfaces to be exposed?
> Regards,
> -Vladimir
> *From:* Mike Tutkowski [mailto:mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:21 AM
> *To:* Edison Su
> *Cc:* cloudstack-...@incubator.apache.org; Vladimir Popovski
> *Subject:* Re: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs
> Sounds good, Edison
> Last night I finished up code that uses the VI Java API to create a VMware
> Datastore.
> I want to test it a bit more before I have you look at it.
> Today there is a Citrix CloudPlatform demo I'm participating in to handle
> part of the SolidFire section of the demo, so I might not have time to do
> my Datastore testing, but I should be done with it tomorrow.
> Talk to you later!
> On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Edison Su <edison...@citrix.com> wrote:
> For vmware, current cloudstack doesn’t create a vmware datastore through
> vmware’s API, admin needs to create the datastore in Vcenter at first, then
> add it back into cloudstack. I am not familiar with how to create a VMware
> datastore through Vmware’s API, but regarding to add a new host into a
> cluster, the current framework lets storage provider adding a listener
> which can listen on adding host event.
> *From:* Mike Tutkowski [mailto:mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 26, 2013 6:45 PM
> *To:* Edison Su
> *Cc:* cloudstack-...@incubator.apache.org; Vladimir Popovski
> *Subject:* Re: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs
> Great - thanks, Edison!
> I can take a look at that code.
> I've almost gotten the VMware code written.
> It's a little more involved than the XenServer code because you have to
> add static IQNs for discovery to each host in a VMware cluster (this is
> somehow handled behind the scenes, I suppose, with XenServer) before you
> can create a Datastore based on your iSCSI target.
> One thing I was wondering, though, is when you add a new host to this
> VMware cluster.  It will need to "inherit" the list of IQNs to discover.  I
> image this is the case today.  Do you know anything about that?  I might
> just try it out and see if that works today.
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Edison Su <edison...@citrix.com> wrote:
> Thanks!
> FYI, there are some code at both xen and kvm hypervisor resource code to
> deal with storage pool creation.
> For example, in CitrixResourceBase-> getNfsSR or getIscsiSR to create a
> nfs SR or ISCSI SR. In LibvirtStorageAdaptor, which can create storage pool
> in libvirt.
> *From:* Mike Tutkowski [mailto:mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 26, 2013 1:52 PM
> *To:* Edison Su
> *Cc:* cloudstack-...@incubator.apache.org; Vladimir Popovski
> *Subject:* Re: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs
> Hi Edison,
> Sounds good.
> I already have code to create a XenServer Storage Repository (and
> optionally use CHAP credentials) and I'm working right now on creating a
> vSphere Datastore.
> When I have this working and in a nicer state, I can check in with you to
> review it and provide comments.
> Once those two hypervisors are handled, I'll move on to KVM and OVM.
> Thanks!
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Edison Su <edison...@citrix.com> wrote:
> Yes, code is welcome!!! Currently Only the interface at the management
> server side is defined. At the hypervisor resource side, we may need some
> kind of utility library or another plugin framework, as John proposed few
> months ago.
> *From:* Mike Tutkowski [mailto:mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com]
> *Sent:* Monday, March 25, 2013 2:37 PM
> *To:* Edison Su; cloudstack-...@incubator.apache.org; Vladimir Popovski
> *Subject:* Re: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs
> Hey Edison,
> So...if you think my understanding is correct (please check out the e-mail
> below), then I have a question.
> Do we really want to have the storage plug-ins taking on the
> responsibility of talking to the hypervisors to hook up the storage that
> they just created?
> I'm a bit familiar with how OpenStack does this and it seems that it only
> has its storage plug-ins create a volume (LUN, whatever) and then the
> framework handles the process of dealing with the hypervisor in question to
> hook up the storage.
> It seems like otherwise we'd need to create a utility for all storage
> plug-ins to share otherwise they'd be duplicating efforts in talking to
> hypervisors.
> What do you think?
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 7:52 PM, Mike Tutkowski <
> mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com> wrote:
> Hi Edison,
> I believe I understand the requirements for the plug-in better now.
> It sounds like the flow will be as such:
> * The user executes a Compute or Disk Offering that is tied via a storage
> tag to a Primary Storage that is associated with a plug-in.
> * The storage framework will ask the plug-in to create a volume.  The
> plug-in will create a volume and hook the volume up to the appropriate
> hypervisor.  For VMware, this means the plug-in will create a Datastore.
>  For XenServer, this means the plug-in will create a Storage Repository.
>  (So on and so forth for other hypervisors.)
> * The VM or data disk is then deployed to the hypervisor.
> Does that sound correct, Edison?
> Thanks!
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Edison Su <edison...@citrix.com> wrote:
> *From:* Mike Tutkowski [mailto:mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 21, 2013 4:18 PM
> *To:* Edison Su
> *Subject:* Re: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs
> Hi Edison,
> I wanted to dive into these comments a bit more:
> [Edison] plugin’s driver->createasync will be called when mgt server want
> to create a volume on the storage. In the driver’s implementation, it can
> directly call storage box’s api, or send a command to hypervisor host, then
> call storage box’s api to create an iscsi.
> Then create a datastore(for vmware), SR(for xenserver), or storage
> pool(for KVM) on hypervisor host, based on the iscsi iqn.
> If the volume is created from a template(for root disk), need to find a
> way to import that template(which is nfs based currently, it will be just a
> plain http url the future) into the root disk.
> The part about creating a datastore or a storage repository...is that
> something the plug-in will be responsible for doing or will the storage
> framework cover that piece?  I'm thinking the storage framework will since
> all sorts of plug-ins would seem to need that ability (to have their
> storage hooked up to a datastore or a storage repository).
> [Edison] It’s a specific requirement for per volume per LUN case, and
> specific for certain hypervisors(seems KVM doesn’t need to create a storage
> pool when using iscsi LUN), so the storage framework will not deal with it
> right now.
> Thanks for your time, Edison! :)
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Edison Su <edison...@citrix.com> wrote:
> Feedback/comments are appreciated, need to know your input from storage
> vendor point of view.
> *From:* Vladimir Popovski [mailto:vladi...@zadarastorage.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:52 AM
> *To:* Edison Su; cloudstack
> *Cc:* mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
> *Subject:* RE: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs
> Hi Edison,
> Thank you for the reply. We will check it out.
> Regards,
> -Vladimir
> *From:* Edison Su [mailto:edison...@citrix.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:36 AM
> *To:* 'Vladimir Popovski'; cloudstack
> *Cc:* mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
> *Subject:* RE: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs
> *From:* Vladimir Popovski 
> [mailto:vladi...@zadarastorage.com<vladi...@zadarastorage.com>]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 20, 2013 9:05 AM
> *To:* cloudstack
> *Cc:* mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com; Edison Su
> *Subject:* Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs
> Hi All,
> Thank you for a great work on CloudStack! We are interested in integrating
> CS with our storage system and started to look at your documentation and
> storage-related code. I see that Mike from SolidFire started working on
> something similar some time ago and Edison even created an empty plugin for
> it (in Nov’12?).
> We have couple of questions related to that:
> -          Is there any documentation about plugins (except of
> https://cwiki.apache.org/CLOUDSTACK/storage-subsystem-20.html)
> [Edison] There are not much docs about the plugins other than the above
> link.  See below.
> -          Are there any exemplary plugins for primary & secondary
> datastores? Was the SolidFire plugin ever finished?
> [Edison] yesterday, I checked in some code to separate existing cloudstack
> storage code into a standalone maven project, called:
> cloud-plugin-storage-volume-default, which can give you an example how a
> storage plugin will look like.
> -          How to activate a new plugin and use it (at least through
> CLIs/APIs)
> [Edison] First, put a bean configuration in client/tomcatconf/
> componentContext.xml.in for your plugin provider class, like:
> <bean id="ClassicalPrimaryDataStoreProvider"
> class="org.apache.cloudstack.storage.datastore.provider.CloudStackPrimaryDataStoreProviderImpl">
>   </bean>
> Second, when adding a data store into cloudstack, with an extra parameter
> in createstoragepoolcmd: provider=your-provider-name,
> liststorageproviderscmd can list all the registered providers in mgt server.
> -          How to integrate it with the UI
>  There is no UI part of example code for storage yet, the idea is to use
> pluggable UI(
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/UI+Plugin+Tutorial),
> for each storage provider may need a separate UI to add a storage. For
> example, in adding primary storage ui, there will be a drop down list, show
> all the registered providers, if user selects one of the drop down list,
> then UI will pop up a diagram, based on providers’ pluggable ui, then user
> can type whatever information needed for a storage(e.g. nfs server, nfs
> path, if its nfs). At the end, UI will call createstoragepoolcmd to
> register a storage into cloudstack.
> Thanks,
> -Vladimir
> -------
> Vladimir Popovski
> VP, Cloud Operations
> Zadara Storage
> (949) 677-2095
> vladi...@zadarastorage.com
> www.zadarastorage.com
> --
> *Mike Tutkowski*
> *Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
> e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
> o: 303.746.7302
> Advancing the way the world uses the 
> cloud<http://solidfire.com/solution/overview/?video=play>
> *™*
> --
> *Mike Tutkowski*
> *Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
> e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
> o: 303.746.7302
> Advancing the way the world uses the 
> cloud<http://solidfire.com/solution/overview/?video=play>
> *™*
> --
> *Mike Tutkowski*
> *Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
> e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
> o: 303.746.7302
> Advancing the way the world uses the 
> cloud<http://solidfire.com/solution/overview/?video=play>
> *™*
> --
> *Mike Tutkowski*
> *Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
> e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
> o: 303.746.7302
> Advancing the way the world uses the 
> cloud<http://solidfire.com/solution/overview/?video=play>
> *™*
> --
> *Mike Tutkowski*
> *Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
> e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
> o: 303.746.7302
> Advancing the way the world uses the 
> cloud<http://solidfire.com/solution/overview/?video=play>
> *™*
> --
> *Mike Tutkowski*
> *Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
> e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
> o: 303.746.7302
> Advancing the way the world uses the 
> cloud<http://solidfire.com/solution/overview/?video=play>
> *™*

*Mike Tutkowski*
*Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
o: 303.746.7302
Advancing the way the world uses the

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