Comments embedded in below.

From: Vladimir Popovski []
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 12:22 PM
To: Mike Tutkowski; Edison Su
Subject: RE: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs

Hi All,

I was away for couple of days, so sorry for the delay.

I'm completely with Mike & John (& others) on separating storage plugins from 
hypervisor-related functions. If every plugin will need to implement 
hypervisor-related code, it will be a big mess.

Our use-case is very similar to Mike's - we would like to be able to provision 
volumes with different QoS characteristics directly to VMs, rather than adding 
them into "shared" datastores. It might be achieved in two ways:

-          either to create separate data stores per each volume (storage LUN), 
and from there to create volumes & assign to instances.

-          or to assign devices recognized by iSCSI Initiators directly to 
instances (I'm not sure if it will be possible in VMware without datastores)

It looks like Mike started to work on the 1st approach. In this case, for every 
volume there will be a separate datastore. If this is the preferred direction 
for all storage plugins, then the hypervisor-specific logic of datastore 
creation and creating/assigning volumes from the datastore will be fairly 
common for all storage plug-ins. At the same time, the storage plugin should 
have the control over the datastore management. It will depend on the plugin, 
if dedicated or shared datastores should be created.

For the 2nd option (skipping the datastore layer) there might be plenty of 
common code as well.

So, my questions are:

-          do you think it is beneficial to support both options for the CS (or 
are we good with potentially huge number of datastores)?

[Edison]  CloudStack will not enforce any of these options, it's all up to 
provider's implementation. Either way is OK to me. Do you think, from 
architecture point of view, Is the current storage API enough for both options? 
If no, we can come up some new APIs.

-          are we all agree that HV-dependent storage code should be generic 
and appropriate interfaces to be exposed?

[Edison] If there are HV-dependent storage code there(I assume it should have 
some code can be shared between different storage provider at hypervisor side), 
we can generalize them and expose them.

As Mike said, the code dealing with storage pool at the hypervisor side, can be 


From: Mike Tutkowski 
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:21 AM
To: Edison Su
 Vladimir Popovski
Subject: Re: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs

Sounds good, Edison

Last night I finished up code that uses the VI Java API to create a VMware 

I want to test it a bit more before I have you look at it.

Today there is a Citrix CloudPlatform demo I'm participating in to handle part 
of the SolidFire section of the demo, so I might not have time to do my 
Datastore testing, but I should be done with it tomorrow.

Talk to you later!

On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Edison Su 
<<>> wrote:
For vmware, current cloudstack doesn't create a vmware datastore through 
vmware's API, admin needs to create the datastore in Vcenter at first, then add 
it back into cloudstack. I am not familiar with how to create a VMware 
datastore through Vmware's API, but regarding to add a new host into a cluster, 
the current framework lets storage provider adding a listener which can listen 
on adding host event.

From: Mike Tutkowski 
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 6:45 PM

To: Edison Su
 Vladimir Popovski
Subject: Re: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs

Great - thanks, Edison!

I can take a look at that code.

I've almost gotten the VMware code written.

It's a little more involved than the XenServer code because you have to add 
static IQNs for discovery to each host in a VMware cluster (this is somehow 
handled behind the scenes, I suppose, with XenServer) before you can create a 
Datastore based on your iSCSI target.

One thing I was wondering, though, is when you add a new host to this VMware 
cluster.  It will need to "inherit" the list of IQNs to discover.  I image this 
is the case today.  Do you know anything about that?  I might just try it out 
and see if that works today.

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Edison Su 
<<>> wrote:
FYI, there are some code at both xen and kvm hypervisor resource code to deal 
with storage pool creation.
For example, in CitrixResourceBase-> getNfsSR or getIscsiSR to create a nfs SR 
or ISCSI SR. In LibvirtStorageAdaptor, which can create storage pool in libvirt.

From: Mike Tutkowski 
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 1:52 PM
To: Edison Su
 Vladimir Popovski

Subject: Re: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs

Hi Edison,

Sounds good.

I already have code to create a XenServer Storage Repository (and optionally 
use CHAP credentials) and I'm working right now on creating a vSphere Datastore.

When I have this working and in a nicer state, I can check in with you to 
review it and provide comments.

Once those two hypervisors are handled, I'll move on to KVM and OVM.


On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Edison Su 
<<>> wrote:
Yes, code is welcome!!! Currently Only the interface at the management server 
side is defined. At the hypervisor resource side, we may need some kind of 
utility library or another plugin framework, as John proposed few months ago.

From: Mike Tutkowski 
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 2:37 PM
To: Edison Su;<>;
 Vladimir Popovski

Subject: Re: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs

Hey Edison,

So...if you think my understanding is correct (please check out the e-mail 
below), then I have a question.

Do we really want to have the storage plug-ins taking on the responsibility of 
talking to the hypervisors to hook up the storage that they just created?

I'm a bit familiar with how OpenStack does this and it seems that it only has 
its storage plug-ins create a volume (LUN, whatever) and then the framework 
handles the process of dealing with the hypervisor in question to hook up the 

It seems like otherwise we'd need to create a utility for all storage plug-ins 
to share otherwise they'd be duplicating efforts in talking to hypervisors.

What do you think?

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 7:52 PM, Mike Tutkowski 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Edison,

I believe I understand the requirements for the plug-in better now.

It sounds like the flow will be as such:

* The user executes a Compute or Disk Offering that is tied via a storage tag 
to a Primary Storage that is associated with a plug-in.

* The storage framework will ask the plug-in to create a volume.  The plug-in 
will create a volume and hook the volume up to the appropriate hypervisor.  For 
VMware, this means the plug-in will create a Datastore.  For XenServer, this 
means the plug-in will create a Storage Repository.  (So on and so forth for 
other hypervisors.)

* The VM or data disk is then deployed to the hypervisor.

Does that sound correct, Edison?


On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Edison Su 
<<>> wrote:

From: Mike Tutkowski 
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 4:18 PM
To: Edison Su
Subject: Re: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs

Hi Edison,

I wanted to dive into these comments a bit more:

[Edison] plugin's driver->createasync will be called when mgt server want to 
create a volume on the storage. In the driver's implementation, it can directly 
call storage box's api, or send a command to hypervisor host, then call storage 
box's api to create an iscsi.

Then create a datastore(for vmware), SR(for xenserver), or storage pool(for 
KVM) on hypervisor host, based on the iscsi iqn.

If the volume is created from a template(for root disk), need to find a way to 
import that template(which is nfs based currently, it will be just a plain http 
url the future) into the root disk.
The part about creating a datastore or a storage that something 
the plug-in will be responsible for doing or will the storage framework cover 
that piece?  I'm thinking the storage framework will since all sorts of 
plug-ins would seem to need that ability (to have their storage hooked up to a 
datastore or a storage repository).

[Edison] It's a specific requirement for per volume per LUN case, and specific 
for certain hypervisors(seems KVM doesn't need to create a storage pool when 
using iscsi LUN), so the storage framework will not deal with it right now.

Thanks for your time, Edison! :)

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Edison Su 
<<>> wrote:
Feedback/comments are appreciated, need to know your input from storage vendor 
point of view.

From: Vladimir Popovski 
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:52 AM
To: Edison Su; cloudstack

Subject: RE: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs

Hi Edison,

Thank you for the reply. We will check it out.


From: Edison Su [<>]
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 11:36 AM
To: 'Vladimir Popovski'; cloudstack
Subject: RE: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs

From: Vladimir Popovski []
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 9:05 AM
To: cloudstack
Cc:<>; Edison Su
Subject: Storage Subsystem 2.0 plugin docs

Hi All,

Thank you for a great work on CloudStack! We are interested in integrating CS 
with our storage system and started to look at your documentation and 
storage-related code. I see that Mike from SolidFire started working on 
something similar some time ago and Edison even created an empty plugin for it 
(in Nov'12?).

We have couple of questions related to that:

-          Is there any documentation about plugins (except of

[Edison] There are not much docs about the plugins other than the above link.  
See below.

-          Are there any exemplary plugins for primary & secondary datastores? 
Was the SolidFire plugin ever finished?

[Edison] yesterday, I checked in some code to separate existing cloudstack 
storage code into a standalone maven project, called: 
cloud-plugin-storage-volume-default, which can give you an example how a 
storage plugin will look like.

-          How to activate a new plugin and use it (at least through CLIs/APIs)

[Edison] First, put a bean configuration in 
client/tomcatconf/<> for 
your plugin provider class, like:

<bean id="ClassicalPrimaryDataStoreProvider" 


Second, when adding a data store into cloudstack, with an extra parameter in 
createstoragepoolcmd: provider=your-provider-name, liststorageproviderscmd can 
list all the registered providers in mgt server.

-          How to integrate it with the UI
 There is no UI part of example code for storage yet, the idea is to use 
for each storage provider may need a separate UI to add a storage. For example, 
in adding primary storage ui, there will be a drop down list, show all the 
registered providers, if user selects one of the drop down list, then UI will 
pop up a diagram, based on providers' pluggable ui, then user can type whatever 
information needed for a storage(e.g. nfs server, nfs path, if its nfs). At the 
end, UI will call createstoragepoolcmd to register a storage into cloudstack.


Vladimir Popovski
VP, Cloud Operations
Zadara Storage
(949) 677-2095<tel:%28949%29%20677-2095><><>

Mike Tutkowski
Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.
o: 303.746.7302<tel:303.746.7302>
Advancing the way the world uses the 

Mike Tutkowski
Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.
o: 303.746.7302<tel:303.746.7302>
Advancing the way the world uses the 

Mike Tutkowski
Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.
o: 303.746.7302<tel:303.746.7302>
Advancing the way the world uses the 

Mike Tutkowski
Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.
o: 303.746.7302<tel:303.746.7302>
Advancing the way the world uses the 

Mike Tutkowski
Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.
o: 303.746.7302<tel:303.746.7302>
Advancing the way the world uses the 

Mike Tutkowski
Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.
o: 303.746.7302
Advancing the way the world uses the 

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