These results look good:

mtutkowski@ubuntu:~$ sudo cloudstack-setup-agent -m -z 1 -p 1
-c 1 -g 6b4aa1c2-2ac9-3c60-aabe-704aed40c684 -a --pubNic=cloudbr0
--prvNic=cloudbr0 --guestNic=cloudbr0
Starting to configure your system:
Configure Apparmor ...        [OK]
Configure Network ...         [OK]
Configure Libvirt ...         [OK]
Configure Firewall ...        [OK]
Configure Nfs ...             [OK]
Configure cloudAgent ...      [OK]
CloudStack Agent setup is done!

However, these results are the same:

mtutkowski@ubuntu:~$ ps -ef | grep jsvc
1000      4314  3725  0 16:10 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto jsvc

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Mike Tutkowski <> wrote:

> This appears to be the offending method:
>     public String parseCapabilitiesXML(String capXML) {
>         if (!_initialized) {
>             return null;
>         }
>         try {
>             _sp.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(capXML)), this);
>             return _capXML.toString();
>         } catch (SAXException se) {
>             s_logger.warn(se.getMessage());
>         } catch (IOException ie) {
>             s_logger.error(ie.getMessage());
>         }
>         return null;
>     }
> The logging I do from this method (not shown above), however, doesn't seem
> to end up in agent.log. Not sure why that is.
> We invoke this method and I log we're in this method as the first thing I
> do, but it doesn't show up in agent.log.
> The last message in agent.log is a line saying we are right before the
> call to this method.

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