On Jun 9, 2014, at 4:20 PM, Ian Duffy <i...@ianduffy.ie> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Started making some fast progress on this.
> I uploaded the xenserver box[1] to vagrant cloud. This means people can
> easily get a xenserver VM by executing vagrant init duffy/xenserver &&
> vagrant up.
> I adjusted the configuration on the box to allow for multiple xenserver
> boxes to be brought up by one vagrant file. In order to allow this I had to
> remove the host-only network configuration from the packaged box into an
> external script [2]. It can be used as follows:
>  config.vm.define "xenserver" do |xenserver|
>    xenserver.vm.box = "duffy/xenserver"
>    xenserver.vm.provision "shell" do |s|
>      s.path = "xenserver/reset-network.sh"
>      s.args = ["eth1", "", ""]
>    end
>  end
> I created a skeleton for the chef cookbook [3]. At the moment it include
> calls to the MySQL, NFS and IPTables gateway recipes with default
> attributes specified for the included devcloud.cfg. Along with this I wrote
> a systemvm downloading recipe which reads an array of systemvms from the
> cookbooks attributes file and downloads/installed them accordingly. It uses
> the -t switch to on the cloud-install-sys-tmplt script to avoid querying
> the MySQL db for information.
> I added some brief usage documentation too [4]
> [1] https://github.com/imduffy15/packer-xenserver
> [2]
> https://github.com/imduffy15/GSoC-2014/blob/master/MySql_NFS_XenServer/xenserver/reset-network.sh
> [3] https://github.com/imduffy15/cookbook_cloudstack
> [4] https://github.com/imduffy15/GSoC-2014/blob/master/README.md

Good work Ian, I hope to test it this week.


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