> (Like most of the internet...) I strongly believe using cherry picks as the
> basic
> tool for (release) branch management is one of the worst choices you can
> make.
> But. Please. Can. We. Just. Stop. Cherry. Picking!!! :-D [1]
[Animesh] Leo I don't mind moving to merging branches rather than
cherry-picking for technical reasons, but I am not sure cherry-picking is to
blame entirely. Using it all the time caused the pain. When Chip and I were
running releases we started cherry-picks when we got closer to RC. I did not
see cherry-pick as a big pain for 4.2 and 4.3 where I was the RM. RM cannot
scale if they are spending most of their time in cherry-picking or merging
branches into release branch. It needs to be done when they are reasonably
confident that the churn will be limited otherwise RM will get drowned in all
these requests (be it cherry-pick or merge branch). And also I have used
cherry-pick with -x flag which appends "cherry-picked from ...' to the
original commit message in order to indicate which commit this change was
cherry-picked from.