On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 4:47 PM, Marcus <shadow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We just have to do it.  We just freeze master at some point, do all of
> the release bugfixes, and when it is solid enough to pass a release
> vote we branch a release from it, and then only allow merges to master
> that have been tested in a merge branch, or something along those
> lines. Things will slip through, because our testing isn't full
> coverage, but we can begin to add to it.
> I've said it before, but I think we're also a bit stingy regarding
> bugfix releases. Unless we cause a regression, there should be no need
> for bugfix releases to go through multiple RCs. We get caught on bugs
> that are already in the shipping version and make them blockers for
> the other bug fixes, or a pet patch needs to slip in (which also only
> matters because bugfix releases are so few and hard to release).

It's not just new features that cause problems though.
We've had bug fixes that cause issues, sometimes worse than the one
they solved. Every change is a threat to stability, so we'd like to
have smaller bug fix releases too. There's an inherent cost in doing
releases in their current form.


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