Hi All,

I've got some issue after i did cloudstack upgrade 4.5 -> 4.6.2.
Environment has 8 VR, 6 were upgraded and restarted successfully, 2 of them
stuck. I removed them - the same result, i can't boot them, restarted
network with clean-up - no luck.
VR actually is starting, i can ssh to it, but it's shuting down in approx 5
minutes. I can extend it runing
"init 3" command, but cloudstack is not detecting router state.

I can bing some VMs within the same subnet, so it's not VLAN/network issue.

Completely ran out of ideas.
Should mention network offering is Isolated network without NAT.

Any help is more then welcome. I can provide any related log, but i need
some heads-up what i should look for.
 Daniel Mezentsev, founder
(+1) 604 313 8592.
Soleks Data Group.
Shaping the clouds.

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