If I disassociated 10 public IPs and keep 10 public IPs (but keep 20 vms associated with the network), the network (virtual router) restart with clean up successfully (around in 3 min). I thinks that is a timeout problem (or VR scripts performance)... but which timeout parameter?

On 24/01/2016 09:43, Milamber wrote:

Please note, my installation type is Advanced network without security groups (vlan isolation).

On 24/01/2016 06:57, Remi Bergsma wrote:

We have seen this issue sometimes in the VRs from 4.6 and on. There have been several improvements in the code in 4.7.

Also, setting router.aggregation.command.each.timeout global setting to 15 or 20 also may help (restart mgt server after change).

@Milamber can you test this setting with 4.7.1RC please? I haven't seen this issue in my test and production systems.

Thanks, Remi

Sent from my iPhone

On 24 Jan 2016, at 00:49, Milamber <milam...@apache.org> wrote:


I've have a similiar issue without solution (but not with an upgrade from 4.5), please see


On 24/01/2016 03:32, Daniel Mezentsev wrote:
Hi All,

I've got some issue after i did cloudstack upgrade 4.5 -> 4.6.2.
Environment has 8 VR, 6 were upgraded and restarted successfully, 2 of them
stuck. I removed them - the same result, i can't boot them, restarted
network with clean-up - no luck.
VR actually is starting, i can ssh to it, but it's shuting down in approx 5
minutes. I can extend it runing
"init 3" command, but cloudstack is not detecting router state.

I can bing some VMs within the same subnet, so it's not VLAN/network issue.

Completely ran out of ideas.
Should mention network offering is Isolated network without NAT.

Any help is more then welcome. I can provide any related log, but i need
some heads-up what i should look for.
Daniel Mezentsev, founder
(+1) 604 313 8592.
Soleks Data Group.
Shaping the clouds.

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