On Saturday, Aug 23, 2003, at 15:41 Europe/Rome, Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
On Wednesday, Aug 20, 2003, at 20:15 Europe/Rome, Gianugo Rabellino wrote:
Looks like I missed some serious fun during these vacations... time to catch up!

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

 Virtual Pipeline Components

Love the idea. Even because it was me suggesting something like that a couple of years ago and being blamed of FS... ;-)
Really? any pointer? (I'm not being sarcastic, but curious... if I judged FS something that I later ended up proposing, there is something wrong in my FS meter ;-)

Sorry, no pointers, just witnesses if they remind the live discussion who took place one day in Bibop.:-) We were still using the compiled sitemap and I was suggesting how components could have been aggregated (G-T* / T* /T*-S) as "macros" to be unrolled by XSLT. You came up with FS bells and problems with parameter resolving, so the discussion was kinda over.

ahhhhh, yeah, rings a bell... I remember that I thought about fragmented resources and it was that that triggered my FS alarm. I always knew that views were virtual serializers, but the specific semantics was introduced to make it easier to understand (views are heard enough to understand already).

But anyway, no excuse, I was probably wrong at that time not to consider this further. Or, maybe not: we needed more time to see if it really made sense to add that complexity.

I will be more stubborn next time. ;-)

Please do :-)

 Pluggable Request Factories
2. Are you sure that adapting the request is enough?
I couldn't come up with anything that required more than that.
I'd say that the different use cases you're pointing out require a bit more then just the request object: I'd say that the whole environment might need a particular treatment in most cases.
Why so, can you elaborate? maybe with a specific example? scenarios help the design.

You might need to have access to the response too. In WebDAV world, as an example, you need to set a whole bunch of headers (Allow:, DAV:, MS-Author-Via - yuck - and more), and a DASL component needs to specify the search vocabularies supported. True, you can do it by hand, but it would be much better if such manipulation could be done by a "request-factory".

Damn, great point.

So, back one step: could "adapt-environment" help? or is "environment" not good enough for people to understand?

What do others think?


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