On 25.Aug.2003 -- 12:04 AM, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> Stefano Mazzocchi wrote, On 16/08/2003 0.11:

> >  Interception in Flowscript
> I like the concept, and as I see you touting it here, I humbly ask you 
> to take a look and give a brief comment about pipeline-level AOP I had 
> suggested in my RT:
> [Aspect-based pipelines and link view]
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=xml-cocoon-dev&m=105689706128203&w=2

Very interesting stuff, indeed.

> As for javascript AOP, read this:
> [AOP Fun with JavaScript]
> http://freeroller.net/comments/deep?anchor=aop_fun_with_javascript

Great link (although I had to go through Google's cache as it appears
to be dead)

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