Barzilai Spinak wrote:

Christopher Oliver wrote:
> BarZ,
> Feel free to submit patches to JXForms, for example for "selectBoolean". Nobody is "responsible" for JXForms or other Cocoon development per se. It's voluntary.

Well, thanks for your confidence hehe.
I may do just that when I feel more compfortable with the code. In fact I have a few ideas.
But before doing that I wanted to know for example what the philosphy behind the JXForms project is, or if
someone is already planning to do something about it.
Sometimes, when I find problems in other people's code/API's, I fear that it may be me who "just don't get it".

There's only one way to find out - by showing them your code.

Also, although it's an open source project and anyone can contribute, there's generally one or
two people who do most of the work on a certain part (JXForms in this case). They are usually
the ones who started the subproject, with some idea and vision in mind, and generally have the final word
on whether a new submitted patch is going to be implemented.

Not so, IMO. There should be no code or idea ownership in open source. Once you've contributed your ideas or code it belongs to the community and others can change it..

At least they have CVS permission
to do it which is not my case!! :-)

You can submit patches to Cocoon via bugzilla even if you're not a committer.

If I start adding my <xf:BarZRules> tags and you add <xf:OliverRocks> tags and so on, pretty soon the
project becomes a mess.

So are you this special JXForms someone?

No. For JXForms (or any project) to be truly successful, there should be no such person.

And what did you think about my questions?
Am I on the right path or did I just "not get the whole idea"? :-)

Your assessment of the need for selectBoolean sounds right on track to me.



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