Bruno Dumon wrote:

On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 09:54, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Christopher Oliver wrote:

BTW that flowscript code was written with the intention of supporting multi-page Woody forms with automated back/forward navigation as in JXForms. However, when I looked into implementing this I discovered that Woody forms cannot be presented in multiple pages because apparently the entire form is "submitted" with each request. As a result the fields that are not presented in the first page fail validation because they have no values. Or am I missing something?

No, you got it right : Woody always validates the whole form.

Yep, though it is possible to make a container widget that only delegates request processing and validation to a subset of its widgets, ie something like:

<wd:multipage id="something">
 <wd:page id="1">
   <wd:field .... />
   <wd:field .... />
 <wd:page id="2">
   <wd:field .... />
   <wd:field .... />

depending on the value of some request parameter, the wd:multipage
widget would only let a certain group of widgets process the request.

Another approach to collecting data over multiple pages would simply be
to create multiple (different) forms, which is of course already
possible today.

What's the best solution probably depends on the use case, I didn't felt
the need yet for the first one.

Unfortunately that makes the current integration of Woody with Flowscript close to useless. How would you propose to handle multi-page forms?


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