> -----Original Message-----
> From: Berin Loritsch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: vrijdag 24 oktober 2003 18:26
> Geoff Howard wrote:
> > Unico Hommes wrote:
> > 
> >> Ok, I am running into the following situation: Looking at 
> >> components.modules.input.AbstractMetaModule it defines that it is 
> >> Composable and assigns the component manager to a protected member 
> >> variable. A subclass, ChainMetaModule, uses the component 
> manager to 
> >> lookup a dependency. This means ChainMetaModule should 
> redefine the 
> >> compose()/ (->service()) method in order to declare its 
> dependencies.
> We should migrate to ServiceManager throughout.  It really 
> isn't that hard to do, and in fact, in most places in 2.2 it 
> has already been done.
> >>  
> >> So, in order to avoid this I'd like to put the dependency 
> tags above 
> >> at class declaration level instead of directly above the 
> service() method.
> >> Can I do this?
> No.  Well, I should be more clear and say, "You can, but they 
> won't be read".

OK, then this will mean overiding service() in order to add the
dependency tags there. Could we make it so that dependency tags defined
at class declaration level are read or is there a specific reason why
not to do this? (I can think of the fact that in order for the
dependency tags to have meaning the component should be Serviceable.)

-- Unico

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