Geoff Howard wrote:
Berin Loritsch wrote:

Ok, speaking of dependencies...

We have some components which can accept the name of a component to lookup and use. For instance in the config, a Role or shorthand is provided and the component looks that up directly. How does that fit in with the explicit declaration of dependencies? I'll have to dig up an example later if I haven't made it clear enough yet.

Just the interface used is enough for Fortress. The thing is we want to ensure that components are brought up and shut down in the proper order. So, if one class uses a Generator, then we only need to declare "Generator", not any particular hint name.

Even if for some reason we have a "Generator" mapped directly to "foo" with
no role hint info, we need "Generator" declared because that is what the
dependency is.

Now that I looked at the implementation, and the dependency info is not
inherited at this time.  That is a future thing on the books.


"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
 deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                - Benjamin Franklin

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