Michael Hartle dijo:
> Hmm, basically, this sounds interesting, but according to the legal notice
>> There is a separate patent license available to parties interested in
>> implementing software programs that can read and write files that
>> conform to the Specification. This patent license is available at this
>> location:
>> http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/ip/format/xmlpatentlicense.asp.
> Before adding the Microsoft schema to the CVS and thus probably
> implicitly accepting the patent license, some ASF lawyer better scan
> this throughly...


I just simply does not understand why while developers (including me)
screaming for the formats descriptions of earlier implementations for
years and they does not reply nothing. It was simply propetary. If you
don't believe me, see POI project. They have hardtime documenting the MS

Now, they simply release all the formats. It is incredible after all!
Simply I think there must be a hack. Why they are so SWEET with us, right
now? I cannot stop thinking in the "Halloween docs" and how they planned
destroy the OS communities: at that time the proposed MS solution to end
with us was "the use of propetary formats and protocols". And this is what
they are doing right now. Did you see the MS advertisement about the super
protocol that will solve all your current and future problems? This is the
new wave to put chains on us again.

Please be carefull and think in our project while doing this.

At the end, it make me think that OpenOffice.org is making them run for
the money. :-D

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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