Antonio Gallardo wrote:
Michael Hartle dijo:

Hmm, basically, this sounds interesting, but according to the legal notice

There is a separate patent license available to parties interested in
implementing software programs that can read and write files that
conform to the Specification. This patent license is available at this

Before adding the Microsoft schema to the CVS and thus probably implicitly accepting the patent license, some ASF lawyer better scan this throughly...


I just simply does not understand why while developers (including me)
screaming for the formats descriptions of earlier implementations for
years and they does not reply nothing. It was simply propetary. If you
don't believe me, see POI project. They have hardtime documenting the MS

Hold, the document format has been documented from quite a few time. There were public specs, and infact this was one of the major MS arguments ("hey, our file formats are public!"). Now, whether the available documentation was crap is a totally different issue. :-)


Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
    (Now blogging at:

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