
Pleas don't panic!

If you read my mail carefully all I did was letting you all know, that there are XML Schemas available and also noted, that I don't know if that is relevant for us (meaning: I don't know, if we really have to cope with the XML schema at all).

What I meant with "adding to CVS if someone wants to" was just the sample (not the XML schema - that would be nonesense), although I had not the opinion that this is such a great example that it has to be in CVS.

Sorry, if I potentially did some harm to the community, but all I wanted to do is to see, how easy it is to make a new hello-world example for this document format. I'm not interested any further in it nor did I plan to inject some patent issues which might kill Cocoon (but I still fail to see how such a hello-world example would allow to do this).

So if it's all that dramatic, please forget about the example (and we have to think about removing the poi examples as well, since they produce much more proprietary file formats ;-).


Antonio Gallardo wrote:
Tony Collen dijo:

Andreas Hochsteger wrote:

Hi All!

I just read on slashdot, that M$ published the XML Schema for their new
Office 2003 Suite (mostly Word related) including documentation:

According to
http://rep.oio.dk/Microsoft.com/officeschemas/LegalNotice.htm they are
even redistributable without fee, but I don't know, if that's relevant
for us.

Did you read this in License?

No right to create modifications or derivatives of this Specification is
granted herein.

There is a separate patent license available to parties interested in
implementing software programs that can read and write files that conform
to the Specification. This patent license is available at this location:

I am not telling it is bad. I am not lawyer and we need to read this stuff
too. Please read it carefully before doing anything. If there something
you don't understand or you disaprove, please let us know.

While reading please keep in mind ANY potential damage to our beloved
Cocoon. The last we want is to lose this nice project.

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

-- Andreas Hochsteger http://highstick.blogspot.com/

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