Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Antonio Gallardo wrote:


Reviewing old mails, I found we agreed to add to the woody template
specification an initial tag that was called <wd:hotkey>

Please, follow the above thread.

I don't know if I miss something, but I don't see it anymore.

We currently only have <wd:hint> and <wd:help> implemented in the styling. Adding the hotkey is still to be done.

Now what about naming it <wd:accesskey> or <wd:access-key>? This would be more similar to the corresponding "acceskey" HTML attribute.

I also noticed that, although the HTML spec recommends to underline the accesskey in the label, no browser seems to do it. Any hint/advice on this?

first idea is to have:


of course we will need some fit with the i18n support

suggestion, just keep the current:
<i18n:text key="" />

<message key=""><wi:accesskey>N</wi:accesskey>ame:</message>

? hm, I don't actually don't know if current i18n transformer is supporting mixed content-model messages, anyone?

also this approach would require us however to make some upfront suggestions on the order of template and i18n transformer? (and thus reflect that in the namespace-prefix in the message)

biggest plus for this approach to me seems to be that you are assuring that the access-key _is_ part of the label, regardless of the language?

in any case I would find it logical to have the accesskey-node dependent (i.e. child or attribute) of the label attribute

thinking of other possibilities I'm only arriving at a specific attribute to wd:label

<wd:label acceskey="" >

where then

seems easier at first, but still fails to support the underlining?

what do you guys think?
Marc Portier                  
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
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