Marc Portier wrote:

please understand that if I'm suggesting wi:label en wi:acceskey (and same for Sylvain I persume) we are not suggesting to put this information in another place then the current definition file

this is just pass-through information that is common for all instances, and therefore the suggestion could be to change from wd:label to wi:label in the definition file (and the i18n case with embedded wi:accesskey offers some argumentation if you ask me)

it is the same as having a wi:styling and a wi:group elements inside the template-file

hm, maybe the confusion comes from which value we attach to the action of XML-namespacing.

in my head xml namespaces are mapping to devided semantic domains, saying something like 'this element has meaning inside this context'

so what I am trying to say is that namespaces are not meant IMHO to map onto the created SoC (they often do, but doesn't seem to be a requirement AFAICS).

As such I think that a distinct responsibility/role in the system could include making statements or reacting on statements that are built up of concepts from different semantic domains

or in other words: if the form-designer-role is speaking about design-elements that are shared between all instances, then he probably should do that rather in the wi namespace?

IMHO, allowing to mix namespaces in one XML file is the whole reasoning behind having them in the first place?

just my 2c. (hoping it lowered confusion rather then adding to it) -marc=

No, Marc, I completely agree with you :-)


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