Upayavira wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Geoff Howard wrote:

Upayavira wrote:


We could:
(1) Remove the replace-properties attribute, and replace properties automatically in the content, and in the top level attributes.
(2) Leave the replace-properties attribute, and only replace properties in the top level attributes if it is set to true.

How about (3) default replace-properties to true, and make it optional.

If someone comes up with some valid reason that variable replacement should be turned off, they can.

That's what is called "FS" around here ;-)

So, Vadim, you'd say 'replace properties always', and if someone wants to switch replacement off, they can code the patch task so that it doesn't. I.e. add the functionality when it is needed, not when we can think of it.

Am I right?

Yes, you are right. That's what we are following, more or less: add functionality when there is a valid use case for it. And if nobody can think of use case - then why to have this functionality? :)


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