On 7-Dec-03, at 4:08 PM, Antonio Gallardo wrote:

BTW, Mac OS X is a Linux based distribution for the Mac processors with a
price included. They use KDE as the desktop environment.

Sorry, I haven't responded to some other incorrect stuff, but ....
OSX is GNU Mach from NeXT with a FreeBSD personality (the other OSS Unix). I hadn't heard that cocoa was based on KDE before though, so I'll look, but based on the rest of the sentence where the info comes from I'd hazard a guess that's wrong as well.

It's a nice environment that runs Unix, for a laptop to be able to close the lid, dash off and have everything work when you pop open the lid it's great. Not having to dual boot just because a client sends you an Excel spreadsheet or Word doc with OLE embedding is a nice time saver too.

If you become an Apple developer then you get a discount and I haven't seen the price difference be too big of an issue as in most cases it's pretty small. Most people I know can account a great deal of time saving in using OSX over Linux. Since I still have to use M$ products, dual booting is not an option since it takes too long, better to always run M$ and run Linux under a virtual PC ... if you need to have all of those tools at the same time ... or just go OSX.

Thor HW

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