On 7-Dec-03, at 8:37 PM, Antonio Gallardo wrote:

Antonio Gallardo dijo:
Why Apple fans always try to forgot the fact: Intel or AMD craps are
faster in the same space and time than Gx processors? And try to hide this
fact it behind the OS arena? I know, in hardware, it is not an MHz. issue.
But Intel and AMD craps are in fact faster and cheaper. In short you get
more for your bucks. :-D

To reinforce the above, check this:


Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

Thanks ... according to this and related resellers the cost of their laptops was the same as mine for a slightly slower machine. If I was to buy today, the Xeon 2.4 is the best I could get in a laptop (and not all of the sw I need is available), but as we all know (or should) hw cpu advantages don't last long. In 6 mos maybe a faster Xeon will be available, but so might a faster G5.

Anyways ... I'm off this thread.

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