Antonio Gallardo wrote:

Why a Mac when you can get a more powerful machine with an Intel or AMD
processor with the same money?

It's not the same money actually. Have a Mac with you for a few days, and then start wondering about the time you're saving since thing just work. I did the math: given what is my cost to the company, to recoup the investment from a 999€ Intel crap to a 3000€ Mac machine it would be just enough to save a couple of minutes a day in two years... which is more or less the time it takes for my poor Linux laptop to boot and be operational, since the crappy ACPI support in my current kernel doesn't allow me to suspend it.

If you concerns are about speed, stability and realibility then use Linux.
I currently use Fedora Core 1 with great results. Also you can have the
same machine with dual boot just in case you need to go back for a while
to the windows world. So 2 OS in 1 machine! ;-D

No way. I've been using Linux for one year now, and while it's of course better than Windows, still my life is way too much troublesome: maybe I'm just getting old, but I have very little time for "metacomputing" these days, and I'm just too lazy to recompile my kernel and go through dozens of hoops to finally get decent ACPI/APM support. I'm fed up with library clashes. I can't stand anymore the Gnome/KDE foodfight. I'll start screaming at the next VmWare boot to open the damn .doc file that OpenOffice just spits out. Look, I've been (and still am) a huge Linux fan and user from 1993, and today I'm perfectly fine with Linux on servers and workstations, but I'm dying to have a Mac as a laptop. You see, I'm sold to the "it just works" paradigm...

BTW, Mac OS X is a Linux based distribution for the Mac processors with a
price included. They use KDE as the desktop environment.

Uh? Come on Antonio, this is just blatantly untrue to say the least: OS X roots are in BSD, not Linux, and KDE has nothing to do with the great Mac UI... stop spreading this misinformation, or some hardcore OSXers will start biting you. :-)


Gianugo Rabellino
Pro-netics s.r.l. -
Orixo, the XML business alliance -
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