Geoff Howard wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

And we should only move things into the deprecated part if there is a
usable alternative. IMHO, using flow instead of a transformer isn't really
an alternative as the overhead is way to much (just my opinion here).

-1 to replacing of SourceWritingTransformer with the flosw. It's name is a bit misleading, and SourceCopyAction sounds better to me, but any alternative to SWT must be non-flow.

You mean to change SWT to an Action?

I mean that there is already an action written to copy sources, if I'm not mistaken, which can copy one sosurce to another. Combined with cocoon protocol and all other protocols you can do a lot with it. But I'm not saying that I've analyzed all use cases and we should remove SWT.

Some javadoc in SWT pointing to copy action (or other, more preferred, way) is the first step towards better use practices.


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