Antonio Gallardo wrote:

AFAIK, there as an initiative to use javascript in XSP. But for a lack of
interest there is not fully developed.

Yes, I know. But I dont like XSP. I think XSP is not the best way to integrate logic.

For historical reasons flow was introduced with flowscript for
convenience. Later was found the advantages of using Javascript in Flow.
There was hard discusion. You can search cocoon-dev mailarchives about
this topic.

Yes. But what I want to say is: Why should I use the one language to integrate this logic and the other language to integrate other logic? Why not bring it all together? Why cant I use a JavaScript like an action? Or did you ever seen a car which only can turn left? ;-))

The more different types of integrating logic are possible the more complicated cocoon will become.

To put it all in a nutshell:

I think a solution like this:

<map:match pattern="first">
  <map:call function="getValues" return="true"/>
  <map:transform type="jxt"/>

is more easier to understand than this:

<map:match pattern="first">
  <map:call function="getValues"/>

<map:match pattern="second">
  <map:generate type="jxt"/>

ok, this is possible, too:

<map:match pattern="first">
  <map:act type="getValues"/>
  <map:transform type="jxt"/>

But here I have to use two different languages. In our company we have many html-developers who can use JavaScript but nowone is able to using Java. So we have to realize the simple logic part by the expensive web-developers, too!


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