Antonio Gallardo wrote:

Stephan Coboos dijo:

is more easier to understand than this:

<map:match pattern="first">
  <map:call function="getValues"/>

<map:match pattern="second">
  <map:generate type="jxt"/>

Did you already saw the advantage of this?:

 <map:match pattern="first">
    <map:call function="getValues"/>

<map:pipeline internal-only="true">
 <map:match pattern="second">
    <map:generate type="jxt"/>

No matter how they will try to go to "second" they MUST go through
"first". I like this feature of flow. :-D

Yes, of course. We are using this, too. But to decide, which internal-only pipeline was called from the flowscript you have to take a look into the script or create a good documentation of your sitemap! I want not to say using flowscript to call another pipeline in some ways is bad. I want to say it should be optional and marked in the sitemap in any way (with return="true" for example).

1.) This flowscript comes back (it is not possible to "switch" within the flowscript):
<map:call function="getValues" return="true"/>

2.) This flowscript comes not back:
<map:call function="getValues"/>

Thats all.


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