> > Currently there isn't really someone against this "donation" 
> > here at Cocoon. Although the people that support it are very 
> > silent... Anyways, as I just said, please ask the next time 
> > on the Cocoon list before you submit a new block. Thanks.
> We'd be interested in taking a look at it.  Likely in the fall time
> frame, but we need to do workflow this year, and it would be great to
> have a Cocoon block to start from before we get there (for once).  (So
> far we've ended up with our own proprietary implementation of 
> forms and
> event caching before a Cocoon implementation stabilized.)

I'm interested in a workflow block as well. We currently have experience using 
OpenSymphony Workflow and would like to share this on the Cocoon list.


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