Le 17 avr. 04, à 20:06, Carsten Ziegeler a écrit :

...So, I would suggest that we change our development plan a little
bit and consider adding those features to our 2.1.x code base
that are independent from blocks, like e.g. the virtual sitemap
components etc. Of course we should take care that the
changes are not incompatible (apart from the one below :) )....

+1 from here as well.

IMO many people have no urgent need for a new container or Real Blocks, so I agree that it makes a lot of sense to concentrate on 2.1 as the "workhorse" version and not neglect it while working on the 2.2 (or whatever version number) "experimental" stuff.

...In addition I would like to "port back" the changes I made to
the environment handling in 2.2 to 2.1.x as they improve the
performance and clean up some hacks (not all :( ) we have in
the code. And this would also make Leo's wish regarding
the CocoonComponentManager easier. Unfortunately these changes
are not 100% compatible: the o.a.c.Processor and the o.a.c.e.Environment
interfaces have to change for this. But this shouldn't effect
users, so it should be ok to change it.
Is this ok?



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