Unico Hommes wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko <vadim <at> reverycodes.com> writes:

Unico Hommes wrote:

It's acceptable only for *persistent* cache, but not for transient *object* cache. Cocoon requires transient cache for it to work (Templates caching etc), while persistent cache is optional.

You are right. This should be the correct behavior. I am going to see how JCS
can manage that and else see if EHCache manages it.

I took a look at org.apache.jcs.access.CacheAccess, and it has 9 casts to Serializable, even when not needed. And CacheElement object contains two Serializables as key and value, not Objects.

It seems it will be extensive API change for JCS to change all Serializables to Objects. I don't know wether they are in position to do such change (and wether they will want to do this change) or not.


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