Ugo Cei wrote:

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Now, the big question: does this work with EHCache?


What I'd suggest to do at this point is:

1) Ship 2.1.5 with EHCache as the default store, configured with a memory store large enough for at least running the samples with a decent cache hit ratio.
2) Provide a few alternative, commented-out, configurations in cocoon.xconf with estimates like: "If your JVM is started with -Xmx256m use this value as a starting point".
3) Configure EHCache with a ZERO-sized disk store. What we're shipping is a configuration suitable for first-time users, which don't need a persistent store and should be shielded from having to configure it. Expert users will know how to fine-tune their setup, if we document how.

Why then we need EHCache at all? MRUMemoryStore works well and does not require extra jar files. What EHCache gives us?


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