Hi Jeremy,

I also had that problem. My guess was that is has something to do with
the I18n transformer, which gives a problem if more than one catalogue
is configured. If you have only one catalogue, and add the contents of
FormsMessages.xml to it, it should work.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeremy Quinn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 3:08 PM
> Subject: i18n and CForms
> Hi All
> I am finding that the default FormsMessages that come with CForms do
> not appear to be working in 2.1.7-dev.
> My default browser locale (I tried both Safari and Firefox) is
> so should be using
> context://samples/blocks/forms/messages/FormsMessages.xml.
> This is not happening, either in my own usage or in the samples for
> CForms.
> So for instance, instead of getting the message "This field is
> required." I get "general.field-required" indicating that the lookup
> failed.
> Interestingly, even after I copied "FormsMessages.xml" to
> "FormsMessages_en_US.xml" and restarted Cocoon, it still did not work.
> I also tried setting Firefox to say my locale was 'fr', it still did
> not work.
> The i18n Samples work fine.
> Any ideas anyone?
> Can anyone else reproduce this?
> regards Jeremy
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