Le 3 déc. 04, à 22:35, Christian Stocker a écrit :

....On 3.12.2004 21:50 Uhr, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
All I ask from a template language:
1) something that HTML designers can edit with Dreamweaver
2) something that doesn't use namespaced tags to identify dynamic scopes (clashes with #1)
3) something that doesn't use the name taglib
> That's pretty much all you have to do to make me happy.

Maybe Zope's TAL idea is something for you. http://www.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ZPT/TAL

They are very fond of the fact that it's "Dreamweaver-Compatible"

I think we need

a) "data templates" (for a lack of a better word), to generate XML out of data (what JXTG does now),


b) "presentation templates" downstream to convert the XML to HTML or other presentation markup (currently covered by XSLT, far from ideal)

 - oo -

For a), JXTG does a good job currently, but having a single mechanism for both would make a big difference in the number of things that people have to learn to be productive with Cocoon.

For b), being dreamweaver-compatible would be a big plus, allowing less technical people to create templates themselves. Using Dreamweaver or not, that's not the point: DW-compatibility also means that the templating system is "simple enough" for such people to grasp.

 - oo -

To me, TAL's design looks simple for simple things, yet powerful and extensible. Looks like an example to follow, maybe even like a spec to adopt instead of reinventing it..

...I once started implementing that in my own framework (a php based cocoon ripoff ;)

ah good. sometimes people ask what popoon is, now we know how to describe it ;-) ;-)


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